The One Ring |
Minas Morgul army composition help |
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Author: | judgedoug [ Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Minas Morgul army composition help |
Hey everybody, I want to put together a Minas Morgul force - 75% of the reason is purely to have a neat Morannon force on display, the other 25% as a viable little army for whenever LOTRSBG gets played. So I mainly want it to be fluffy but also not totally Devlan Mud for playing. Thus far, from my collection, this is what I have cobbled together: Gothmog foot and mounted 6 Morgul Knights Morannon Orc command box (metal - Shaman, Captain, Banner) 2 Morannon Orc Captains 24 Morannon Orcs (one old box aka two new boxes worth) 3 Orc Trackers I also have every named ringwraith and the ol' Mouth of Sauron. Witch King? Dark Marshall? What should I add to it that is both fluffy and a little bit competetive? I was thinking some more Orc Trackers, a couple Black Numenoreans, maybe some Morgul Stalkers? Should I grab another box of 12 Morannon orcs? Normal chumpy Orcs? Thanks for any help! |
Author: | Jobu [ Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:20 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Minas Morgul army composition help |
Dark Marshall is good, banner effect, knight of Umbar on fell beast. Black numenoreans are good for their terror, fight value and high defense. Back them up with spear carrying morannon for s4. I would get a troll, monsters are worth their points now. Just use them carefully, heroic strike from heroes can be their downfall. Shooting is not as good as it used to be, maybe another blister of trackers and some warg riders with bow to represent the trackers mounted. The only thing you are really missing is fight 4, but the numenoreans have that. Maybe to diversify you could put in some Mordor uruk hai or black guard. Find a model to represent a Numenorean marshal, they are a good thematic hero. |
Author: | judgedoug [ Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:11 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Minas Morgul army composition help |
I really dislike the official BN models though - I know people like to find alternatives... any recommendations for properly-scaled figures? I guess I could take the Last Alliance Numenoreans with alternate shields and helmets. I've also toyed with the idea of getting the Finecast ones and chopping their heads off and using alternate heads - dunno which though. Would Minas Morgul have trolls, Uruk Hai, and Black Guard of Barad-Dur though? |
Author: | Galanur [ Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:38 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Minas Morgul army composition help |
I´ve used army of the dead + green stuff to sculpt to a more human form = works for me :P Minas Morgul do have all that why? well movie adaptation they do have, you can see trolls moving in pairs out of the gate. Mordor uruks would be likely to be seen as morgul was majority compromissed of morannon orcs = elite cadre; was likely also to be found the elite uruks around there... |
Author: | Galanur [ Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:45 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Minas Morgul army composition help |
https://atolkienistperspective.files.wo ... l-orcs.jpg See by the end of the picture near the gate? |
Author: | Jobu [ Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:02 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Minas Morgul army composition help |
judgedoug wrote: I really dislike the official BN models though - I know people like to find alternatives... any recommendations for properly-scaled figures? I guess I could take the Last Alliance Numenoreans with alternate shields and helmets. I've also toyed with the idea of getting the Finecast ones and chopping their heads off and using alternate heads - dunno which though. That depends on what you think they should look like. I have used this guy as a marshall. You might want to look up some teutonic knights from various vendors. There actually may be a thread on it somewhere. Maybe some easterlings with some easy modifications, like clipping the antennae off the helmet. A different paint job too obviously. judgedoug wrote: Would Minas Morgul have trolls, Uruk Hai, and Black Guard of Barad-Dur though? Trolls yes, there are trolls everywhere in mordor, the others, not so much. |
Author: | Elf of the North [ Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Minas Morgul army composition help |
I might be completely wrong, but I do not think there would be to many morannon orcs at minas morgul on a "normal day" in middle earth. I know Gothmog is the castellan of Minas morgul, but as far as the book goes, no one knows if he was an orc, and even if he was, I do not believe he would be a morannon orc (or be wearing their kind of armor). I feel like spectres, normal orcs, black numenoreans, morgul knights, orc captains, black numenorean marshalls and generic ringwraiths (if using named wraiths I would use the Dark Marshall) are those that fits the theme of Minas Morgul best. I am not to sure when it comes to trolls either to be honest. Morgul stalkers, and even castellans of Dol Guldur fits the theme better IMO. You should check Minas Morgul's list in LoME if you have the opportunity. A Morannon gate army, or even a Barad-Dûr army, would, IMO, be the way to go if you wish to use a force with a great number of morannon orcs. |
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