The One Ring

Who to take for laketown......
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Who to take for laketown......

I just was building some models(from another company to represent L town) and I noticed something. For the same amount of points you can get:
Laketown militia 2 fight and 3 courage.
Laketown guard 3 fight 2 courage.

Both have D 4 but militia can take a shield.

My general conclusion is to take militiamen with shield for a D5 front like(amazing shieldwall I know) and fight 3 spear support(another amazing stat).

That and 4 bowmen for each squad basically. So you have one warband costing only 72.

Of course with the good Bard they go up to fight 4 with spear support and have a banner. Much amazing. Such spear.

So what are your thoughts guys? Did I do that right?

Author:  Galanur [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who to take for laketown......

Bard only gives +1 to militia (which bump em up to 3 not 4).

This is what I had idea for laketown 600pts, its extremely flexible infantry wise.
The only things in here to get fight 4 its the laketown guards using the master´s might point ability, which can be very very usefull.
Bard its the tricky one on this list as he´s the guy who gives banner effect to militia, so they are more stubborn than what it seems.
I preferred taking bowmen with militia cause I got banner effect re-rolls more often than having guards with "no sauce" fight 3 users.
Still you can change with either as they cost the same.
(alot spear wielders cause I had points left, but nothing enough to start making another warband).

Laketown 600pts

Warband 1
Bard the bowman, Girion´s Heir with armour and horse
6 Laketown Militia with shield (5x with spear)
6 Laketown Guards with spear (4x with bow)

Warband 2
Alfred 20
4 Laketown Militia with shield and spear
4 Laketown Guards with spear
4 Laketown Militia with bow and spear

Warband 3
Master of Laketown
4 Laketown Militia with shield and spear
4 Laketown Guards with spear
4 Laketown Guards with bow and spear

Warband 4
Laketown Militia Captain with shield
4 Laketown Militia with shield and spear
4 Laketown Guards with spear
4 Laketown Guards with bow and spear

Models: 52

PS* IF you wanna be dirty, sculpt axes to these models, they get somesort like cheap goblin town fodder at a muchj better rate with bard´s re-rolls.

This army its very similar to Age of Sigmar Bretonnia where the King (equivalent to bard) hes the one that defines the army the most, if he dies the army gets close to dead end and lose alot buffs... (so bard importance its greatly needed).

Author:  Draugluin [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who to take for laketown......

I didn't think militia and guard could be in the same army. As it is, Guard can get up to F4 from the Master and Alfrid can ensure that the Master has enough might for whenever.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who to take for laketown......

Galanur....thanks for the fight value comment. i totally forgot the guard are loyal to the master not Bard.

And yeah I will use axes but I will only dp what the GW sold packages do and put 1 axe per three non bow infantry. Thats fair.

At Draugluin.....either way I have warband leaders from both sides so I can.

new bard and alfrid captains etc

Author:  Draugluin [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who to take for laketown......

I meant warband. As mentioned, the guards get no benefit from Bard and the militia get no benefit from the Master

Author:  Galanur [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who to take for laketown......

in overall militia is better with a model that cost 3x the value of the master, but really usefull.

Consider windlance too, bard wielding hes the best model you could equip siege engine with and utterly nasty at the right oportunities

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who to take for laketown......

What are you using for proxies?

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who to take for laketown......

Various things that I frankly cant tell you the title of. I have no idea. Its mixed sets of men that look like militia.

Author:  Galanur [ Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who to take for laketown......

If I wanted to go competitive at 750

Warband 1
Bard the bowman, Girion´s heir with armour on horse
6 Laketown Militia with shield (2 with axes remain swords)
6 Laketown Militia with spear

Warband 2
4 Laketown guards
4 Laketown guards with spear
4 Laketown guards with bow

Warband 3
Laketown Militia Captain with shield
6 Laketown Militia with shield (2x with axes remain swords)
6 Laketown Militia with bow and spear

Warband 4
Erkenbrand on horse
5 Westfold Redshields with hand weapon axes

Warband 5
Grimbold of Grimslade
10 Helmingas with hand weapon axes
1 Helminga with banner

total: 750
Might: 10
Models: 57
bows: 15
Militia base courage while erkenbrand alive: 4 (quite impressive hein?)
Why Helmingas? Well they work sort of goblins with axes, their defence is soo low wont matter much anyway, but if they win combat its a Base S5 hit, even heavily armoured dwarves fear that...

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