The One Ring

Evil Armies 1250pts
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Author:  Galanur [ Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Evil Armies 1250pts

For the Campaign, meanwhile Sauron Attacks Minas Tirith, Erebor is about to become under siege by an evil armies that came from Rhun, Mordor and allies.

Im going to face Erebor and his Dale allies (my friend is going to use the Actually hobbit Dale force for this and a mix or Erebor and DurinĀ“s Folk.

We are following themed armies.

Warband 1
Easterling Commander(Amdur on armoured horse)
3 Easterlings Black Dragon Kataphrakts
3 Easterlings with shield
6 Easterlings with shield and pike

Warband 2
Easterling War Priest
4 Easterlings with shield
7 Easterlings with shield and pike
1 Easterling with shield and banner

Warband 4
Easterling Dragon Knight

Warband 5
Easterling Captain with shield, halberd, armoured horse
5 Easterling Kataphrakts (1x with drummer)
7 Easterlings with bow

Warband 6
Mordor Orc captain with shield
6 Mordor orcs with shield
6 Mordor orcs with spear

Warband 7
Mordor Orc Shaman
8 Mordor orcs with shield
2 Mordor Trolls

Warband 8
Orc Taskmaster
11 Mordor orcs with shield


Models: 75

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