The One Ring

Battle For Fornost 1250pts
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Author:  Galanur [ Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Battle For Fornost 1250pts

A friend of mine is bringing a big Angmar horde I beleive and I expected to fight him, so I will need to break that witch king´s force back in half to make it through, so based on this, i´ll try.

Author:  Shapore [ Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle For Fornost 1250pts

You have ALL my support my friend!! I love the history and miniatures of Arnor, and it would be extremely appreciated if you were to be able to do a battle report of it :-D i have the feeling that it's gonna be an awesome and epic battle. Keep us informed on who will be defeated in the Deadman'sDike!!!

Author:  Galanur [ Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle For Fornost 1250pts

So the list gonna be like this.

Warband 1
Glorfindel, Lord of the West with armour on horse
4 High elves with shield
4 High elves with spear and shield
1 High elf with shield and banner

Warband 2
Elrond with heavy armour and horse
5x Rivendell Knights with shield

Warband 3 "Garrison of Lindon"
High Elf Captain with bow
4 High elf warrior with elven blade
8 High elf warriors with elven bow

Warband 4 "Army of Gondor"
Eanur, Prince of Gondor (king of man with heavy armour, shield and armoured horse)
3 warriors of Minas Tirith with shield
4 warriors of Minas Tirith with shield and spear
4 warriors of Minas Tirith with bow
1 warrior with shield and banner

Warband 5 "Allies of Gondor"
Captain of Dol Amroth with armoured horse, shield and lance
5x Knights of Dol Amroth

Warband 5,6,7,8,9 "Survivors of Arnor"
Rangers of the North

Total: 1247pts

Author:  Shapore [ Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle For Fornost 1250pts

Sounds very interesting and well-balanced indeed! Allow me a question,out of pure curiosity: which model do you use to represent the "armoured king of men on horse?" does a model such as armoured men king exist or....what? I thought that the only one was the one on foot and nothing on him but a sword

Author:  Galanur [ Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle For Fornost 1250pts

I might intend to use isildur for that purpose :)

Author:  Scib [ Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle For Fornost 1250pts

Have you considered taking a war and of hobbits? I believe they were present, maybe instead of the dol amroth?

Author:  Shapore [ Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle For Fornost 1250pts

No, 500 hobbit archers had been present during the siege of fornost (which actually happened a whole year before the host from Gondor landed in Lindon), but they were all slain (or so it seems) and no hobbit joined the mighty army that marched against the witch king in the hills in front of Fornost,it was just a big Gondor army (hence the fiefdoms) together with a considerable number of riders from Rohvanion and many elves from the Havens

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