The One Ring |
Build me an Army worthy of Gondor 500 points |
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Author: | rumtap [ Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:54 am ] |
Post subject: | Build me an Army worthy of Gondor 500 points |
Hi All, I’m looking at my options for an upcoming 500 point tournament and was considering using my tried and tested Gondor forces. Looking at the models I currently have (I won’t be purchasing anymore before then) I was wondering what sort of force to put together. So I have: Heroes King Elessar. Foot and mounted Boromir, Capatin of the White Tower with shield on foot only Faramir, Captain of Gondor w armour & shield foot & mounted, also ranger type on foot Peregrin, Guard of the Citadel Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien Denethor, Steward of Gondor 2x Captain of Minas Tirith on foot with shield Warriors Warrior of Minas Tirith (more than enough to fill 500 with all the usual weapon combos) 2x Warrior of Minas Tirith with banner 1x Warrior of Minas Tirith with horn 6x Knight of Minas Tirith with shield 1x Knight of Minas Tirith with banner 4x Ranger 4x Ranger with spear 5x Citadel Guard w longbow 6x Citadel guard w spear 6x Guard of the fountain court w shield So from this list of models, what would you pick for 500 points? |
Author: | Bronf [ Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:32 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Build me an Army worthy of Gondor 500 points |
hmm what i had to work with maybe this will be a good match for you faramir, shield, lance, armored horse, heavy armor denethor damrod minas tirith captin, shield knight of minas tirith 6 (shielded) warrior of minas 10 (all with shield 1 with warhorn) Ranger 8 Citdel guard with 4 spear 2 longbow total might 6 heros 4 warriors 30 im not sure how well this list will play out (since you are missing 3 other heros i usually use) but the list has good shooting and good heros. i would say though i might not have added enough warriors of minas tirith since they are the backbone of the army. have and go at it if you like and tell me how it goes. maybe the lack of a banner might hurt it though |
Author: | Mekzis [ Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:25 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Build me an Army worthy of Gondor 500 points |
Hmm you'll definitely want a fully upgraded (lance, shield, heavy armor) Faramir in your army. If you ever are looking to expand I could also recommend Beregond, Madril or Cirion. Personally I always field Madril, Beregond and Damrod in all my Gondor armies. Warband 1 Faramir (Heavy armour, Lance, Shield, Horse) 4 Knights of Minas Tirith (shield) 4 Rangers 3 Citadel Guards (Longbow) Warband 2 Damrod 6 Warriors of Minas Tirith (shield) 2 Guards of the Fountain Court (shield) 4 Rangers (spear) Warband 3 Captain of Minas Tirith (shield) 6 Warrios of Minas Tirith (shield) 2 Guards of the Fountain court (shield) 4 Citadel Guards (spear) 3 heroes, 6 might, 38 units. With the citadel guard/ranger with spear you'll always have F4 line protected by defense 6 warriors. I normally never field a banner or warhorn as they are a bit expensive for what they can do. |
Author: | rumtap [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Build me an Army worthy of Gondor 500 points |
Thanks for the input. I've been tossing up between a swarm style army like this or just throwing boromir and faramir at them with as many troops as they can take, basically 3 warbands of swarm or 2 warbands with lots of might |
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