Hi Everyone,
I am trying to put together a fun 800 point list that won't just give free wins to my opponent. I'd like to have a chance at winning some games. I've never played in a tournament before and I hope to go to NOVA this year. I have my heart set on using the Three Trolls. That uses about half my points. I'm thinking through whether to go with a small model count or try to use the other half of my points on a roughly 40 model Angmar contingent. The problem is, it's best to commit to a small model count or a higher model count. I'm afraid that my orcs will break easily and then my Trolls will run.
My other thought would be to use Mordor and throw some named Nazgul on horseback in with them. Maybe the Shadowlord to protect from range, the Dwimmerlaik to protect from magic, and a kitted out Witch-king for some spell casting goodness. The undying came to mind too.
PS: I know that the rules prohibit allies, but the Trolls are an exception to that rule for the tournament.