The One Ring

Three Trolls and Some Friends
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Author:  afahrion [ Thu May 12, 2016 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Three Trolls and Some Friends

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to put together a fun 800 point list that won't just give free wins to my opponent. I'd like to have a chance at winning some games. I've never played in a tournament before and I hope to go to NOVA this year. I have my heart set on using the Three Trolls. That uses about half my points. I'm thinking through whether to go with a small model count or try to use the other half of my points on a roughly 40 model Angmar contingent. The problem is, it's best to commit to a small model count or a higher model count. I'm afraid that my orcs will break easily and then my Trolls will run. :sad:

My other thought would be to use Mordor and throw some named Nazgul on horseback in with them. Maybe the Shadowlord to protect from range, the Dwimmerlaik to protect from magic, and a kitted out Witch-king for some spell casting goodness. The undying came to mind too.

PS: I know that the rules prohibit allies, but the Trolls are an exception to that rule for the tournament.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Thu May 12, 2016 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

You would likely get some use out of the Nazgul but I don't think sending three would be necessary. Now this 40 man Angmar force could be something too. With say a shade and a few barrow whites or even some specters you could both make your orc horde into a formidable meat shield and compensate for the lack of a powerful caster. Could you show us what you had in mind for Angmar?

Author:  afahrion [ Thu May 12, 2016 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

I don't have my sourcebook on me so I'm building this off the top of my head. It might be off a few points.

Something like:

12 orcs

12 orcs

Barrow wight or shaman
12 orcs

I'd take out an odd Orc here and there to put in a spectre.

Author:  Salattu [ Thu May 12, 2016 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

Hello. I think... That ringwraiths are not that useful, or thematic in this army. Why would ringwraiths accompany a few troll, instead being big war leaders of entire angmar? Also, 120-170p is a lot cost, and without large amount of units you might not be able to keep your spell casters safe to cast the spells.

Shade seems just a bit questionable too, as it is super good with large amount of normal units. For mordor orc the -1 score to enemy is superior, while for troll with good f and a it might not make difference.

Barrowwights, orcs, wild wargs... Or maybe it could be rly trolly to take also cave trolls? ^^

Author:  infinateremains [ Thu May 12, 2016 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

I think the combination of angmar could be quite nasty, alot of potential to paralyse your victims with the power of the trolls to smash their way through. Also spectres to pull apart battle lines and a shade and perhaps even a banner to ensure your trolls win fights.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Thu May 12, 2016 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

Having had the chance to look at the trolls stat lines I would like to revise my advise on this. I think that the three trolls backed up by an orc horde would be an army that could handle itself if you new how to use the trolls right. But given what they each of the three can do with their brutal power attacks I don't think it would be necessary to send a barrow white in support. A shade and a shaman for sure but perhaps a captain or a second shaman instead of the white. Also I think a banner might be a good idea but I wouldn't give up to many troops for it. Over all I think there is a lot of potential to put something pretty interesting together here.

Author:  afahrion [ Thu May 12, 2016 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

I'm leaning towards a Shade, shaman, and a captain. The captain has some might for heroic moves. The barrowwights might be a little expendable because the trolls can all "save 'em for later."

Author:  Salattu [ Thu May 12, 2016 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

Shade costs plenty of points... Would gladly see ur finished army list, how u gonna fit him. Shade is really good hero though, and main thing is the army looks like u!

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat May 14, 2016 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

afahrion wrote:
I'm leaning towards a Shade, shaman, and a captain. The captain has some might for heroic moves. The barrowwights might be a little expendable because the trolls can all "save 'em for later."

Yeah man the angmar trolls army seems competitive and a lot of fun to watch your opponent lose his mind constantly losing fights and paralyze.

Author:  afahrion [ Sun May 15, 2016 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

Here's the list.

The Three Trolls
WB #1 Tom, Bert, and Bill

WB #1 Shade
2 orcs w/ two handed weapons
4 orcs with shield
4 orcs with spear

WB #2 Captain
2 orc trackers
2 orcs w/ two handed weapons
4 orcs with shield
4 orcs with spear

WB #3 Shaman
2 orc trackers
2 orcs w/ two handed weapons
4 orcs with shield
4 orcs with spear

800 exactly.
I don't have any more orcs with spears. It would be nice to have one less front line orc and one more spear, but that's the best I can do at the moment.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon May 16, 2016 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

It doesn't look to shabby. It'd be nice if you has some more spearmen or perhaps some more specters but over all it looks pretty good. You shouldn't have any trouble keeping everyone together since the deployment is mostly to the death. Plus you can use a few of those guys without spears to help keep your shade form getting moved around by compel and what not. You might want to separate the trolls into there own warbands so they can be deployed to see were your opponent sets up without committing your whole force from the start though.

Aside from that the only thing left is to delegate a general out of your Angmar heroes. Not any easy choice given what you have to pick from but I'd suggest the captain. He can use up his might with moves or marches and then just bolt. Both the shade and the shaman will already be targets for your enemy and because you need them for your battle line you won't be able to run if you need to and either of them are much good in a fight. The shade is tough though so it could work but its sort of risky. Either way I think you'll be able to give a good account of yourself.

On a side note, you could send this list over to the DCHL YouTube channel and ask them about either your general or your tactics and see what they say.

Author:  afahrion [ Mon May 16, 2016 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

I agree with splitting the trolls up.

Author:  infinateremains [ Tue May 17, 2016 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Trolls and Some Friends

"The Trolls Warband Rules
The Trolls army is a single warband. Unlike the usual
warband limit of a single Hero plus twelve Warriors, the
Trolls includes only the three Heroes listed above."
Unfortunately if you take the trolls, they have to be in one warband.

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