The One Ring

1000Pts Doubles Grand Tourney list ideas (GOOD)
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Author:  infinateremains [ Tue May 31, 2016 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  1000Pts Doubles Grand Tourney list ideas (GOOD)

So with tickets for WHW doubles coming up on sale in July, I've been looking at ideas for doubles lists. I've come up with 2 and am wondering what people think. For those who don't know, it is essentially 2 500pt armies that can't share points. Here goes:
Warband 1 5/12
Elrond with Heavy armour; Horse;
1 Knight of Rivendell with Shield; Banner;
4 Knight of Rivendell with Shield;

Warband 2 4/12
Rivendell Knight Captain with Shield;
4 Knight of Rivendell with Shield;
=493pts 11 models 5 might 10 bows (100% bow limit)
Warband 1 12/12
Elladan and Elrohir with Horse; Elf bow; Heavy armour;
5 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear;
2 High Elf Warrior with Elf Bow; Elven Blade;
4 High Elf Warrior with Shield;

Warband 2 10/12
Erestor with Elven cloak;
4 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear;
2 High Elf Warrior with Elf Bow; Elven Blade;
4 High Elf Warrior with Shield;
=497pts 24 models 7 might 4 Bows (+2 Hero bows, +1 Throwing Weapon)

== 990pts 35 models 12 might 16 Bows (+1 Throwing Weapon)
Warband 1 5/12
Elrond with Heavy armour; Horse;
1 Knight of Rivendell with Shield; Banner;
4 Knight of Rivendell with Shield;

Warband 2 11/12
Arwen with Horse;
5 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear;
6 High Elf Warrior with Shield;
=500pts 18 models 4 might 5 Bows
Warband 1 12/12
Elladan and Elrohir with Horse; Elf bow; Heavy armour;
5 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear;
2 High Elf Warrior with Elf Bow; Elven Blade;
4 High Elf Warrior with Shield;

Warband 2 5/12
Rivendell Knight Captain with Shield;
5 Knight of Rivendell with Shield;
=499pts 19 models 8 might 10 Bows

== 999pts 37 models 12 might 15 Bows

what do you guys think? solid list? lacking? need some changes?

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