The One Ring

Beginner Galadhrim (for a friend)
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Author:  MacCollac [ Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Beginner Galadhrim (for a friend)


I just got started with SBG and would like some advice on an army build for Galadhrim (so no hobbit products). Any tips or builds are welcome!!

Around 500 points and with a budget of 100$.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Galadhrim (for a friend)

You should head over the to DCHL YouTube channel and pull up there "how to play and buy" guides playlist. They go over the basics strides of the armies your looking at and give some suggestions on what to buy when starting out. There price figures are in U.S. dollars but it would likely give you and your friend some good ideas about build your armies.

Author:  MacCollac [ Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Galadhrim (for a friend)

Already watched those :)! But I thought these were somewhat outdated and most of them don't give prices at the end.

Author:  ja33 [ Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Galadhrim (for a friend)

Hi there - Here's some tips for building a Galadhrim army...

1) Go on to Games Workshop website. There are some great models at good prices available there that would be great additions for a Galadhrim Army, among them would be:
- $15 for a blister of 3 Wood Elf Sentinels, they are great poses, made in metal, and are very useful in the game with their special rules
- $12 each for Rumil, Helms' Deep Haldir, and armoured Celeborn, again all are nice poses, all 3 are metal (I believe), and all 3 are excellent Galadhrim heroes to lead troops, and all 3 have either cool special rules and/or spells
- $26 for a blister of 4 Guards of Galadhrim Court, very nice models, albeit in finecast, very good stats for playing the game, and decent value at $6.50 each

As a bonus, if you buy all of these models or at least some combination, you will likely spend enough $$ to qualify for free shipping from GW, which is nice....

2) Check out any local GW stores or independent stores. Worth noting at the independent stores that if they have any old boxes of Galadhrim Warriors or Wood Elves, you may well get them for a good discount if you ask. Not a sure thing by any means, but it never hurts to ask ! Plus, you may very well find one of the old boxes of 24 models per box that sell for only $24, as opposed to the $24 for 12 warriors that are sold currently.

3) Consider signing up for ebay. While the options I listed above are great and they will help support the hobby, ebay may save you a few dollars if you stumble across a lot of elf warriors and heroes. There are frequent listings for lots of 25-50 elves at a time, usually listed for below 'market value'. Plus, you will likely need to use ebay to buy a couple much needed OOP models for your army, mainly Galadriel and/or War Aspect Galadriel.

Hope this helps !

Author:  infinateremains [ Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Galadhrim (for a friend)

Warband 1 9/12
1 Galadhrim Warrior; banner, shield
4 Galadhrim Warriors; shield
4 Galadhrim Warriors; spears, shields

Warband 2 9/12
4 Galadhrim Warrior; shield
4 Galadhrim Warrior; shield, spear
1 Galadhrim Warrior; Warhorn, shield

Warband 3 8/12
Galadhrim captain, bow, elven blade
8 Galadhrim Warrior; bow

1 box of Galadhrim commanders, 2 boxes of Galadhrim and Rumil at just over 100$, you could also change rumil for either haldir or celeborn in armour for the same price money wise but it would impact this list.

Author:  MacCollac [ Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Galadhrim (for a friend)

Thanks mate!

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