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Author: | Arthas367 [ Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:52 pm ] |
Post subject: | New thread posted |
new listing posted. |
Author: | Wan Shi Tong [ Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:06 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help needed for 800 and 1k list for nova. |
Wait you want two all hero lists or an 800pt army with troops and heroes and a 1000pt army with just heroes? Either way I would say to go with the 2nd Age Heroes if you have most of them on horse. Isildor, Elendial, Thranduil, and Gil Galad all mounted up would be pretty fearsome. But if you don't then its a tougher choice. |
Author: | Arthas367 [ Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help needed for 800 and 1k list for nova. |
I do have most of them besides a Elendil conversion I'd need to roll out. And I was probably going to use all heroes for both or slight variations on both due to time and so on |
Author: | Galanur [ Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help needed for 800 and 1k list for nova. |
I had something diferent in mind to give you opinion. When the dwarves got captured by the elves... 1st portion before Tauriel showed to save Killi. Tourney 800pts Warband 1 Thorin Oakenshield with Orcrist Fili Kili Bifur Bombur Bombur Dwalic Balin Oin Gloin Ori Dori Nori Total: 790 to 1000pts Legolas Greenleaf with elven cloak 7 mirkwood rangers 988pts total: 12pts left.. (including those 10 from 790). |
Author: | Arthas367 [ Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:00 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help needed for 800 and 1k list for nova. |
Galanur wrote: I had something diferent in mind to give you opinion. When the dwarves got captured by the elves... 1st portion before Tauriel showed to save Killi. Tourney 800pts Warband 1 Thorin Oakenshield with Orcrist Fili Kili Bifur Bombur Bombur Dwalic Balin Oin Gloin Ori Dori Nori Total: 790 to 1000pts Legolas Greenleaf with elven cloak 7 mirkwood rangers 988pts total: 12pts left.. (including those 10 from 790). Thanks a a bunch Galanur, though the only thing with the 1k is that it's completely all heroes. I'm currently drafting something along the lines of the fellowship + White council. 1k All Hero: * Fellowship* Boromir of Gondor (horse) 115 Gimli 90 Aragorn 175 (armor/horse) 190 Gandalf the Grey (horse ) 180 * Thorin Company Warband* Bilbo (pony/ring) 70 "Frodo" * White Council * Legolas Prince (horse) 140 Galadriel (mirror) 155 Glorfindel (armor/horse) 150 Any comments critiques would be greatly appreciated I'll post my first draft for 800 GT shortly. |
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