The One Ring

Sons of Eorl/Kings huntsman
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Author:  SteezyBaggins [ Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Sons of Eorl/Kings huntsman

I am curious how an army based on sons of Eorl and kings huntsmen would work.
The sons are tough and move fast, kings huntsman has range and might to snipe heroes.
How would an army like that look at 500-600 points? :)

Author:  SomeGuy [ Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sons of Eorl/Kings huntsman

I'm not saying this is a top pick list, or even a good one but just quickly thrown together

Warband 1
Eorl The Young Mounted
Sons of Eorl x2
Rohan Royal Guard (Mounted with Throwing Spears)
Rider of Rohan x2(Throwing Spear)
Rider of Rohan

Warband 2
Captain of Rohan(Heavy Armour, Shield, Mounted)
Sons of Eorl x2
Rohan Royal Guard (Mounted with Throwing Spears)
Rider of Rohan x2(Throwing Spear)
Rider of Rohan

Warband 3
King's Huntsman
Warrior of Rohan with bow x6 / Rohan Outrider on foot x6

Warband 4
Captain of Rohan (Heavy Armour, Shield)
Warrior of Rohan with Throwing Spear x2
Warrior of Rohan x10

This list comes in at 600points on the dot, based on profiles from Kingdoms of men Source Book

34 Miniatures total - 17BreakPoint(50%)

*if you can get outriders on foot(although it might be expensive or just use archers as proxies), they have a better shoot value and good special rule for same points value as a regular warrior on with bow, with riders of rohan not being counted towards bow limit, you are bang on the mark counting up your on foot troops with 6/18 having bows

Its not a top list im sure, just a quick thought, I think its somewhat theme-y with eorl the young and no other named heroes

Author:  ja33 [ Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sons of Eorl/Kings huntsman

King's Huntsman is an independent hero, so he can't lead troops. But could still useful, and taking 3 or 4 of them might be interesting....Here's a possible list, very small in numbers, but powerful and has some nice ranged threats...

Eorl the Young
5 Sons of Earl

Eomer, Marshall, horse & heavy armor
5 Sons of Earl

King's Huntsman

King's Huntsman

King's Huntsman

King's Huntsman

Think that comes out to 600 pts on the nose.....

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