The One Ring

Mordor army, 400 points
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Author:  Lord Hurin [ Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Mordor army, 400 points

Hey all, I'm getting reacquainted with the game and playing a 400 point game tomorrow. This is the list I've put together, not knowing what I'll be up against.

Warband 1: 130pts
Ringwraith (2/8/1) on horseback
5 Orcs with 2-handed weapons
1 Orc with spear and shield
1 Morannon Orc with spear

Warband 2: 128pts
Gorbag with shield
6 Orcs with shield
6 Orcs with spear and shield

Warband 3: 142pts
Orc Drummer
6 Morannon Orcs with shield
6 Morannon Orcs with spear and shield

34 models, 5 Might. 400 Points total

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor army, 400 points

It is not bad for a small list. But I think that the wraith is a bit low on will. I advise scraping an orc with two-handed weapon, or maybe the morannon, to get the points you need to have ten will. You are just going to have to be careful with how to use the two-handed weapon team you've got. Those units still get themselves killed at inopportune times thanks to having both two-handed weapons and low defense. You might get some use out of them but the points could just as well go to archers or specters if you have them. That way you could respond to cavalry and other archers which can be quite a problem from Harad or Rohan these days.

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