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 Post subject: 800 pts Easterlings and Mordor
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:34 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:24 pm
Posts: 87
Location: Öland, Sweden
I got Army Builder the other day (again, I did have it 15-20 years ago). I have been playing around with some list building, which I am very new to regarding MESBG.

The army is meant to represent the Easterling and Mordor attacks on the Northern Kingdoms. Little is known of what evil heroes were actually involved in the fights there. I therefore want to exclude heroes that are known to be elsewhere during the northern fights. To me the Easterlings represent structure while Mordor rather represents chaos. Ideally I would want the Mordor part to be as diverse as possible.


1 Amdûr, armoured horse
4 Black Dragon Kataphrakts, shields

1 Easterling War Priest, armoured horse

1 Easterling Captain, 1,5h weapon
3 Easterling Warriors, shields
3 Easterling Warriors, pikes and shields
1 Easterling Warrior, pike, shield and banner
4 Black Dragons, pikes and shields

1 Morannon Orc Captain, 1,5 h weapon
2 Morannon Orcs, shields
3 Morannon Orcs, spears and shields
1 Morannon Orc, spear, shield and banner
2 Orc Warriors, shields
2 Orc Warriors spears
1 Mordor Troll, 1,5 h sword.

1 Orc Shaman
2 Orc Warriors, 2 h weapons
4 Orc trackers


Points: 800
Models: 37
Break Point: 19
Might: 9


I feel that I would really like to add mor models but I am not sure how I could do that. Getting rid of shamans or banners for more models?

This is my first attempt at an SBG list since 2001, so I welcome any thoughts.
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 Post subject: Re: 800 pts Easterlings and Mordor
PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 8:30 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:24 pm
Posts: 87
Location: Öland, Sweden
Another list attempt. I removed the orc shaman in favour of upgrading the troll for a troll chieftain and removed a banner to get more models.


1 Amdûr, armoured horse
4 Black Dragon Kataphrakts, shields

1 Easterling War Priest, armoured horse

1 Easterling Captain, 1,5h weapon
4 Easterling Warriors, shields
3 Easterling Warriors, pikes and shields
4 Black Dragons, pikes and shields

1 Morannon Orc Captain, 1,5 h weapon
2 Morannon Orcs, shields
4 Morannon Orcs, spears and shields
1 Morannon Orc, spear, shield and banner
2 Orc Warriors, shields
2 Orc Warriors spears

1 Troll Chieftain
2 Orc Warriors, 2 h weapons
5 Orc trackers
1 Black Guard
1 Black Numenorean


Points: 800
Models: 40
Break Point: 20
Might: 10
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 Post subject: Re: 800 pts Easterlings and Mordor
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:26 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:24 pm
Posts: 87
Location: Öland, Sweden
Got another idea. Since war horns, as apposed to Fury and such, work across fraction lines, having a war horn should be a good idea in a mixed army. I also removed the other banner too. With at least a moderate number of models, plenty of pikes and spears and F4, this army should be relatively less dependent on banners than other armies, I suppose. Amdur after all counts as a banner too, and will be with the Kataphracts were a banner is needed the most anyway.


1 Amdûr, armoured horse
4 Black Dragon Kataphrakts, shields

1 Easterling War Priest, armoured horse

1 Easterling Captain, 1,5h weapon
3 Easterling Warriors, shields
4 Easterling Warriors, pikes and shields
4 Black Dragons, pikes and shields

1 Morannon Orc Captain, 1,5 h weapon
2 Morannon Orcs, shields
3 Morannon Orcs, spears and shields
3 Orc Warriors, shields
3 Orc Warriors spears

1 Troll Chieftain
2 Orc Warriors, 2 h weapons
5 Orc trackers
1 Black Guard
1 Black Numenorean, war horn


Points: 800
Models: 40
Break Point: 20
Might: 10
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 Post subject: Re: 800 pts Easterlings and Mordor
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:34 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Interesting concept. I think you are making an error by not placing something under the war priest's command though. You are paying a point for both he and the captain when the war priest could lead the warband just as well. Also, I don't think it is worth it to rely on orc trackers to do your shooting, unless you want to mount them, when you've got easterlings with the same shoot and better armor available. I would try something like this instead.

Ambur, armored horse
4 Black Dragon Kataphrakts
5 Easterling Warriors, bows

War Priest, armored horse
4 Easterling Warriors, shields
4 Easterling Warriors, pikes and shields
4 Black Dragons, pikes and shields

1 Troll Chieftain
3 Orc Warriors, shield
2 Orc Warriors, 2h weapons
5 Orc Warriors, spear
Orc Warrior, shield and banner

1 Morannon Orc Captain, 2h weapon
4 Morannon Orcs, shields
6 Morannon Orcs, shields and spear
Orc Warrior, shield

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: 800 pts Easterlings and Mordor
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:27 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:24 pm
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Location: Öland, Sweden
Thanks for the comments and the list amendments! As I am new to list building I really appreciate it.

So basically you removed the captain in favour of adding more models? I suppose that would make sense. I however did think that a priest could only lead 6 but I may very well have been mistaken I hope.

I don't mind adding easterling archers, but I still think I would like to keep a few trackers, if only for the sake of visual diversity. They are only 5 points, so I cannot believe them to be significantly less cost-effective than easterling archers.

I see you kept a banner. I think that the need for having a banner at all should have decreased even further as the model count has gone up quite a lot? After all, Amdur is a banner where it matters the most anyway. I am still inclined towards swaping the banner to a war horn, I think.
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 Post subject: Re: 800 pts Easterlings and Mordor
PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 9:58 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:56 am
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Banners are always good as long as you have more than 10 models in your army :)
Some scenarios they are required for VP's, so I would always have one, probably even 2 at 800 pts.

I like the idea of your theme. Too many well drilled orcs on the field these days.

Question: Do you have a mounted war priest? I think they are hard to come by and I'm wondering if its worth taking in order to tweak the list a bit.
He would be useful for fury and bladewrath but that is kind of putting your eggs in one basket. If you swapped it out for a Dragon Knight then you have 2 hard hitters.

My basic list:
Mordor Troll Chief + 6 Orcs Shield + 6 Orcs Spear
Morannon Captain + 6 Morannon Orcs Shield + 6 Morannon Orcs Spear
(If you have the models just get 12 Morannons with shield and use regular orcs with spears. If you have spare points at the end then upgrade those to morannons also.)

Amdur, Horse + 15 Warriors with Pike + Shield
Dragon Knight, horse + 5 BD Kataphracts.
798 pts.

This list has no banners so I'd probably take out a Kata and give an orc a banner instead and mix in a few two handers instead of some other troops. If you want more room, change the morannon captain to something else or even the troll.

This list has lots of big hitters, the Morannon being the weakest at S5 2A. Unfortunately you can't use the Morannon captain to heroic strike anymore and take out some might of the opponents biggest hero. If you wanted to do that you could take Grishnakh or Gorbag which hurts the theme a little but is still ok.
Otherwise you could use the Morannon Captain to team up with another hero and call heroic combats.

I would be trying to avoid the likes of Boromir, Elrond etc with Amdur until they have use up some might points. If necessary you can still shove them in the face because Amdur has Phalanx - So 3A from him + 2 pikes + banner re-rolls, 6 attacks to win the duel.
It might be worth sending the troll and some orcs against the big heroes to take out some might and if the troll dies then Amdur can step in to save the day.

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 Post subject: Re: 800 pts Easterlings and Mordor
PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:27 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:24 pm
Posts: 87
Location: Öland, Sweden
Thanks for toughtful comments!

I did not realize mounted war priests are gone from GW:s store. Especially if it stays that way using a dragon knight instead sounds like a good idea. I understand your one-basket point.
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