Country: Czech Republic
If not stated otherwise all models are unpainted and unprimed.
I have:Good:Theoden (Helm’s Deep)
Eomer on foot – stripped of colour
Gamling mounted with banner
Aragorn mt & foot (Black Gate) – stripped of colour
Aragorn (Helm’s Deep) – primed black
Galadhrim Captain with bow
Galadhrim Captain with sword – missing sword

Galadhrim Banner (Helm’s Deep)
Elf Sentinel with bow
Khazad guard
Evil: Gorbag
2 x Easterling Casualties
Uruk-hai Casualty
I would like:Evil:Mordor Orcs (metal)
Morannon Orcs
Morannon Command
Orc Taskmaster
Orc Drummer
Orc Shaman
Warg Riders (plastic)
Good:Knights of Dol Amroth (plastic)
Men-at-Arms of Dol Amroth
Warriors of the Dead (plastic)
Warrior of the Dead with banner