The One Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers
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Author:  Legolas31 [ Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers

looking for The Fellowship and Two Towers journey books if anybody has either one of them?
Have these to offer....

models on foot:
Theoden (pelennor)
Aragorn (heroes of the west) black undercoated
Merry (fate of the witch king) black undercoated
Gimli (heroes of the west) black undercoated
Gimli (original fellowship)
Lurtz with sword and shield
Faramir in armour (heroes of the west) black undercoated
Frodo (weathertop)
Mounted Glorfindel (unarmoured)
Glorfindel on foot (unarmoured)

On Horse:
Eomer mounted
Aragorn the king mounted- no arm
Knight of minas tirth (metal)
Other stuff:
12 dwarf warriors
4 faramir's rangers (metal)
Gandalf the grey (kazadum)- no sword arm
Faramir (captured by Gondor) no sword arm
Elrohir (original) - only one blade
Eomer (heroes of the west) - no sword
Gandalf (heroes of the west) broken staff
fellbeast neck and head
rohan shields

from the Uk

if you don't have the books i am happy to do any offers you may have :)

thanks x

Author:  Legolas31 [ Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ---- Legolas31 Trading ---post 25+


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