The One Ring

New LOTR gaming and painting YT channel!
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Author:  Planetmithril [ Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  New LOTR gaming and painting YT channel!

Title: Planetmithril


Description: A new Youtube channel dedicated to LOTR painting and gaming fandom, we're currently working through a load of painting tutorials as well as starting to film and put out batreps with big plans in the future for campaigns, blogs, battle companies and other such hobby love. We hope you enjoy any support is greatly appreciatted and we just hope you enjoy the content :) Happy Hobbying!

Author:  Dark Istari [ Mon Feb 01, 2021 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New LOTR gaming and painting YT channel!

Planetmithril wrote:
Title: Planetmithril


Description: A new Youtube channel dedicated to LOTR painting and gaming fandom, we're currently working through a load of painting tutorials as well as starting to film and put out batreps with big plans in the future for campaigns, blogs, battle companies and other such hobby love. We hope you enjoy any support is greatly appreciatted and we just hope you enjoy the content :) Happy Hobbying!

Great stuff my man! Extremely helpful for those wanting to improve their skills. And lovely models yourself.

p.s. I've dropped you a list on Insta :)

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