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 Post subject: Testors Dullcote banned in EU (news from Antenociti)
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:38 pm 
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The old Dullcote has toluene in it (that is a component used in some explosives!) so it is illegal to sell it in the EU now.

However, testors are working on a new version of Dullcote that does not, err, explode...

More information here: ... 66434.html

This may not affect anyone outside the EU (for now) but if your Helm's Deep re-enactment gets a tad realistic, you can't say I did not warn you.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:06 pm 
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I hope they get it sorted out. We have been unable to get Dullcote here for some time, with no indication that it will ever be available again.

Even when it was available, it was only the small bottles, not the spray. I had hoped that things would improve, but this could complicate matters.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:48 pm 
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...your kidding me.
Well, maybe I should go over to the Hobby Lobby and confiscate all these 'Laquer Grenades' for the Army. :roll:
Come on! With enough knowledge of chemistry, you could probably make a bomb with baking soda and dishwasher detergent! The only way to beat terrorist and such is to start trusting each other, as Albus Dumbledor as that sounds, and allow each person willing to defend everyone else.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:03 pm 
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you could probably make a bomb with baking soda and dishwasher detergent!

Funny you should say that...


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:10 pm 
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Toluene does not just go BANG! From Wikipedia:

Inhalation of toluene fumes can be intoxicating, but in larger doses nausea-inducing. Toluene may enter the human system not only through vapour inhalation from the liquid evaporation, but also following soil contamination events, where human contact with soil, ingestion of contaminated groundwater or soil vapour off-gassing can occur.

The toxicity of toluene can be explained mostly by its metabolism. As toluene has very low water solubility, it cannot exit the body via the normal routes (urine, feces, or sweat). It must be metabolized in order to be excreted. The methyl group of toluene is more easily oxidized by cytochrome P450 than the benzene ring. Therefore, in the metabolism of toluene, 95% is oxidized to become benzyl alcohol. The toxic metabolites are created by the remaining 5% that are oxidized to benzaldehyde and cresols. Most of the reactive products are detoxified by conjugation to glutathione but the remainder may severely damage cells.

So you might have more than just a bad hair day...

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