Sorry for such a late reply
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. Yes Hirumith, that was extremely helpful (and thanks for link......on that site i discovered how i will make osgiliath ruins

Hirumith, the Grey Knight wrote:
In terms of interchangeable parts, the legs and torso on WGF Vikings and Saxons are a single piece, so you won't be able to swap Viking/Saxon legs or torsos with Germanic/Celt legs or torsos. The Celt command figures' legs and torsos are also a single piece, and I think one of the Germans is a single piece legs/torso. All of the Celts' left arms are part of the torso, so only the right arms are separate. Any other heads, arms, and weapons should be completely interchangeable, though, and torsos should be interchangeable between the Celts and Germans bad. All in all i would say i had given very poor choices regarding interchangeable body parts
I have yet to purchase any warriors from Wargames Factory (though i very much intend to) however i did order 3 sets of the Horse Bundle...a total of 36 horses. It was a pleasure to do business with the company. The items were well packed and arrival time was ideal (for me at least

). I was surprisingly impressed with the quality of the horses. Though perhaps not official GW quality, the numerous poses available makes up for it imho (as long as you don't mind sculpting on saddles, bridles, reins...). Anyway.... i hope to acquire the box sets of Vikings/Saxons/etc very soon
And one final the Wargames Factory Orcs scale well? i have seen samoht's WIP where he uses them as Mordor Uruk-Hai.....but how about placing them in an Isengard Force to be used as regular orcs? Would they make the fighting Uruk-Hai look like midgets? Just curious (as always).
Thanks again