Thanks folks for the warm welcome and the answers!
Yes my dear Whafrog, I am from Egypt and things are still on hot surface here but going for better - we hope. And as we're on an LOTR forum, "conveniently", so I'll put it this way;
We successfully managed to defeat the "Dark Lord" and clean our lands from his malice. But he endured and not totally destroyed yet. From his hide out he keeps looking for his "One Ring" to cover all land in a second darkness. Unfortunately there are some dark powers that wants him to stay this way for their or his own survival.
So now it seems as if we're in the third age and we're seeking to destroy his last hope and thus get rid of him for good. The battle is now against his Nazguls and Allies who are working in the shadows and using lesser but still strong minions to spread chaos, trying to turn the table around and thriving for their right moment to steal the free people's partial victory. The battle is still on and we're staying true to our goal and fighting our way through.
Please keep us in your prayers!
Ok, after this really narrative presentation of the present reality narration - (if this is put correctly)

. I would like to seek your help with few questions more:
- As far as I can rememer and understand from his status; Gimli has throwing axes to use while he moves in to charge. is that correct?
- Scenario rules mention that at the third turn Cave Troll arrives automatically at the door. what if fellowship is pushing the goblins back that there is no space for the cave troll to enter from the door.
- They also mentiones that he arrives at the door, so can he do everything except charging as with gobs?
- If fellowship managed to reach the door or the trap door can they try to seal it and then the newly arrived force has to roll to push their way in as per door securing rules in the manual?
Thanks beforehand.