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 Post subject: What models should I try to collect with my current list
PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:13 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:09 am
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Hi there,

I'm new to the game and so far got myself a nice list of models already. There's just not a good connection yet. I was wondering what you would advice me to go for in buying to compelte an armylist. Oh, and I read up on all the characters I got but I'm still curious to what others think about it. Per example someone told me Aragorn is overpriced (in terms of points in the game) and all, so well... Is he?

My initial plan was to go for a Rohan themed armylist, but nowadays I'm very much into elves and I'm thinking of going for a rivendell or galadhrim themed army. I might ask a lot of time here, but I was wondering if someone experienced with the game would like to give me his thoughts about the stuff I got and maybe rate each model with a mark between 1/10.

I absolutely love Legolas, and it took me a while to find an affordable Mounted Legolas model, so I'm especially super curious if he's actually 'worth a shot' for any good armylist.

And another question: How do you use Gimli+Legolas on horseback. Can that model be used in games at all? How does charging with it work?

This is what I've got:

Heroes on foot:
2x Aragorn (Helm's Deep & Pelennor Fields)
2x Legolas (Helm's Deep & Pelennor Fields)
2x Gimli (Helm's Deep & Pelennor Fields)
1x Théoden (Helm's Deep)
2x Eowyn (Helm's Deep & Pelennor Fields)
1x Eomer (Pelennor Fields)
2x Faramir (Ranger & Pelennor Fields)
2x Boromir (White Tower & Fellowship)
1x Pippin (Pelennor Fields)
1x Merry (Pelennor Fields)
1x Gamling (Helm's Deep)
1x Hama
1x Erestor (Armoured)
1x Celeborn (unarmoured)
2x Haldir with bow (Helm's Deep & Woodlands)
1x Uruk-Hai Captain (With helm, without shield)
1x Lurtz
2x Gandalf the White (Pelennor Fields & Standard)

Heroes mounted:
1x Legolas Mounted
1x Legolas+Gimli on Horseback
1x Eomer Mounted

24x Warriors of Minas Tirith
6x Riders of Rohan
24x Uruk-Hai Scouts
16x Elves of the Last Alliance
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 Post subject: Re: What models should I try to collect with my current list
PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:43 pm 
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Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:14 am
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If you're going by the films, I suppose you could always get a warband or two of Rohan combined with a group of Galadhrim led by Haldir as your starting army - once you've found whether you prefer painting and playing with any of those halves, you can build up either group a bit more and make it into a full army! You probably have all heroes you'll need for that to work, so a few boxes of infantry and you're good to go.

Aragorn is pretty fantastic, the only issue is that there's a price you have to pay for that, which means that you won't be able to run him with many troops in smaller games, which probably won't work too wel. Either leave him for bigger armies, or use him in all-hero forces (which are rather tricky to play well if you're new to the game). At any rate, not overpriced, just very expensive because he's also very good.

Legolas is great, can easily be added in any Good list and pull his weight, his 'auto-hit' perfect to get rid of vulnerable models hidden behind enemy ranks. Could also lead a few more Galadhrim yet be fairly thematic in aforementioned Rohan+Galadhrim list.

Gimli+Leggie on horseback is more a collector's piece, but most people would probably be fine with him being used as Legolas on horseback. There are rules for passengers, but those are intended for scenarios only.
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 Post subject: Re: What models should I try to collect with my current list
PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:03 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:09 am
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Location: Holland
Thanks! That's some useful information.
Too bad Gimli+Legolas isn't really useable as a combination of those 2 heroes on 1 mount. Would be really badass. Maybe I could come up with some self-made rules for it and find an opponent that agrees on me using it that way.

"When charging, Gimli will be ignored in the fight since he cannot control his balance and fight at the same time. Gimli will also dismount and take a falling test as soon as the model loses a fight; leaving a Mounted Legolas model to take the hit(s)."
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 Post subject: Re: What models should I try to collect with my current list
PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:26 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:43 pm
Posts: 23
Hi! Quite the list of hero models you've got there! I agree with the previous poster who said that you could put together a beautifully themed Helms Deep list. I could even imagine it being rather nasty using strength 4 helmingas backed up by fight 5 Galadhrim spearmen. Throw in some Rohan cavalry with your mounted Legolas and you'll have a really good flanking force to compliment your shield wall. If you did so you'd want to pick up Grimbold (to unlock strength 4 Rohan infantry), a couple boxes of Rohan warriors on foot, and some plastic Galadhrim. It'd be a joy to paint and fun to play.
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