The One Ring

Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury
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Author:  Elendili Paladin [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

So usually at the start of the game i make an uruk moot with the shaman in the centre use two will points and a might for channeling and cast fury.All uruks within 6" get their fury on then i start moving specific units into their optimum positions. Do the uruks stay under the influence of fury when they are more than 6" away from the shaman as long as he has his last might or do they have to stay close to him?

Any feedback regarding how you guys use your uruk shamans is much appriciated :)

Author:  JamesR [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

They only gain the effects of fury while they are within 6". One they move away they lose it but conversely any Uruks that move within 6" will get fury, even if they weren't there when it was cast

Author:  Sithious [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

Yeah, you have to keep them within 6", like a banner but with fury.

I just played a match with Groblog and two shamans in a Goblin Army, so I had free channeled fury (once my shamans cast it). But I did not pass a single fate roll with it and didn't need the courage test for breaking or charging the entire game. So it really ended up being a waste of points for both the shaman and the Kings crown. I am sure in some games it would come in handy, but in that match it didn't pan out. In my case, the enemy had Legolas, I know he was looking for the king the entire match to snipe him (I kept him hidden as best I could, another waste), but had I only had one shaman, I know he would have been dead within two turns. So watch that, those very popular elves and very popular hero will take him out fast if they can.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

In most games Fury is a game changer/winner. You'll always get odd times like Sithious mentions where it does nothing all game (or you roll a 1&2 to cast and your shaman becomes a glorified spearman) but in most games it'll have a huge impact.

As for tactics you're on the money with your casting, channel it and throw 2 Will at it to (all but) guarantee the cast.

The best tactic I can give you beyond the obvious (keep your shaman close to your troops) is to be careful about the order of your moves when you're broken. At it's simplest, Imagine you've got a line of Uruks 18" long. At the end of a turn you would position your shaman 6 " in so he affects two-thirds of the uruks. When it comes to your next turn. Start by moving the uruks who are covered by his Fury (so they automatically pass their courage tests), then, when you've finished with them and your remaining uruks are out of range, move your shaman 6" down the line so he's within range of the remaining uruks before moving them, all of whom will now benefit from Fury. You've essentially extended your Fury range from 6-12". It's very handy and makes a big difference once you're broken.

Eveyone gets very excited about the 5+ saves but it's often the auto-pass courage tests when you've broken that makes Fury a real game winner.

Author:  BaronLee [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

Does the caster count as being under the influence of fury too?

Author:  Dr Grant [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

Oh yes :-D

Author:  JamesR [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

BaronLee wrote:
Does the caster count as being under the influence of fury too?

yes, its specified in the description of the rule

Author:  ElfGeneral [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

Dr Grant wrote:
In most games Fury is a game changer/winner.

Eveyone gets very excited about the 5+ saves but it's often the auto-pass courage tests when you've broken that makes Fury a real game winner.

Yeah so true, whenever I play anyone with Fury my number one objective is killing the Shaman. A player in my group has a huge horde goblin army (no monsters just goblins) and fury is a pain (to put it nicely) you're paying for Courage 2 but you basically have an entire army with bodyguard,

The only way you can beat that army is removing the command structure and hoping you break them before the last of your models runs away, because they will break you first, if fury is still in play you have no choice.

Author:  Bronf [ Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

w8 i been using fury all wrong then and so have my opponents lol this makes me want to a few questions about it then. does the caster gain it as well. how many "fate"rolls can one model take "eg 1 fate per wound". iv been playing it in a way u cast it and THOSE models with in 6 get the effect with a 1 fate roll and once used they lose the effect also with the courage or until the shaman dies even if they do go as far as 20" away from the shaman they still get it. (my opponents been doing this as well btw)

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uruk-Hai Shaman casting fury

Bronf wrote:
w8 i been using fury all wrong then and so have my opponents lol this makes me want to a few questions about it then. does the caster gain it as well. how many "fate"rolls can one model take "eg 1 fate per wound". iv been playing it in a way u cast it and THOSE models with in 6 get the effect with a 1 fate roll and once used they lose the effect also with the courage or until the shaman dies even if they do go as far as 20" away from the shaman they still get it. (my opponents been doing this as well btw)

Yeah that is all wrong...not quite sure how you can even get to that from reading the rulebook...

You may make one fury save per wound caused. 1 wound = 1 fury save, 5 wounds = 5 fury saves.
It only affects models with 6" on the caster. If you move out of 6", you lose it.

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