The One Ring

A returning shadow in the east.....
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Author:  Darkness_Consumes [ Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  A returning shadow in the east.....


I am a very old collector, dating back to my childhood... I started out with the Battle Games in Middle Earth magazine as a child, having fallen deeply in love with Tolkien's writings at a young age. But, alas, my precious miniatures were bundled into the loft..

Today, I was discussing GW models with an old friend, and we got onto the topic of Lord of the Rings, and decided to delve once more into our childhood aspirations of being generals of Middle-Earth. As it happens, I've decided to collect a force to fight for the Dark Lord. If I recall correctly, I have a good number of Orc Captains kicking around, and possibly the Witch King... But, as more for most of my plastic miniatures, they seem to have vanished... :sad:

I was wondering if any of you could point me in a good direction of a starter list, or just advice on where to go with building one? It would be greatly appreciated!


Author:  DEMONSBANE [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A returning shadow in the east.....

Did anybody reply? If not I'd point you in the direction to the gbhl you tube channel and the DVhl esp there beginner videos ... xZSsvT4gRW

pick you video fr the army that interest you for the basic son how it plays and for putting a force together.

Although the hobbit game is still sbg it is defferent is some key areas such warbands, special stirkes and monsters.

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