The One Ring

Gondor avenger bolt thrower scatter odds don't make sense...
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Author:  jzy66 [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Gondor avenger bolt thrower scatter odds don't make sense...

I know how to use the avenger bolt thrower however the scatter rule doesn't make sense to me. One you've rolled and hit a target as i understand it, when you then roll for scatter you have a 1/6 chance of hitting your own model, 4/6 to hit another enemy model and then 1/6 chance to hit your intended target as you have to roll a 6...

So with these odds if there were just two enemy models within 3 inches of each other shouldn't you aim for the one you don't want to hit as you have a greater chance (4/6) to scatter and force your opponent to pick the model you actually want to wound?

For example if there was a single goblin and a troll within 3 inches of each other just aim for the goblin as you have better odds of hitting the troll with scatter...

Would appreciate it someone could clear this up for me,


Author:  Lothíriel [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor avenger bolt thrower scatter odds don't make sens

I had a similar bout of mental gymnastics when I attempted to use a Dwarf ballista for the first time against a friend's Moria goblins.

From what I understand, the forces of Good are simply not allowed to shoot at an enemy if there's even the chance of it scattering to hit an ally. So that's within 6" for a trebuchet, and 3" for the smaller artillery.

I was very disappointed as I thought I had something that could really kill his Dweller in the Dark but as you say, unless I rolled to hit and THEN rolled a 6 for a direct hit, it would just miss a single model out in the open!

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor avenger bolt thrower scatter odds don't make sens

If I recall correctly, the scattered result can also be alocated to the original target of the shot - the opponent isn't forced to pick a different figure, and thus will be unlikely to choose one you would prefer.

If you want to hit a particular target, your best strategy is still to aim for that figure and either hope you get lucky, or make sure an Engineer Captain stands nearby to nudge the shot in the right direction.

Author:  jzy66 [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor avenger bolt thrower scatter odds don't make sens

Ah that would make more sense, i just can't find anything in the rulebooks. Thanks for the reply.

Author:  dadlamassu [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor avenger bolt thrower scatter odds don't make sens

In agree that the bolt thrower which is really a big crossbow on a mount that should give not only better range but at least as good (if not better) chance of scoring a hit on the intended target.

Hand held crossbows are deadly but their bigger brothers are very unpredictable.

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