The One Ring

Monstrous chårge vs different enemies
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Author:  Salattu [ Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Monstrous chårge vs different enemies

Cån Monstrous Chårge committed by å strengt 7 beåst knock down:

1. Cåve troll S6

2. Mordor Troll S7

3. Bålrog S9

4. Fellbeåst S6 monstrous mount

5. Drågon S7 monstrous chårger

6. Guluvhår S8 monstrous chårger

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monstrous chårge vs different enemies

I believe that if the strength of the charging model is equal or greater than the model being charged it will knock it prone. So, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, no.

Author:  mr. dude [ Sat Jul 11, 2020 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monstrous chårge vs different enemies

Monstrous Charge knocks down anything with lower Strength, so Cave Troll yes, not Mordor Troll or Balrog. Where the rules are unclear (maybe someone else can interpret it better than me), is what they do with other models that have Monstrous Charge. The FAQ doesn't answer this.

Additionally, this model will still get the Extra Attack bonus if it charges, or is subsequently charged by [...] another model with this special rule.

So, if a Dragon charges a Fellbeast, the Dragon gets its extra attack. If the Fellbeast also charged, it keeps the extra attack. The unclear bit is whether the Dragon gets to knock the Fellbeast down. In previous versions of the rule, each model had a separate entry with different wording on this: Fellbeasts couldn't be knocked down whether they charged or not, Shelob could only be knocked down if she didn't charge, and the Spider Queen could always be knocked down whether she charged or not.

The way I read it, it doesn't say anything about losing the bonus, so as long as your model charged and has higher Strength, it gets the knockdown. So, my ruling would be that a charging Strength 7 model can knock down a Cave Troll and a Fellbeast, not anything else on that list.

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