The One Ring

Mordor orcs vs morannon orcs
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Author:  Salattu [ Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Mordor orcs vs morannon orcs

[color=#FF0000]So, what are your opinions, which ones are better? Is there any situation mordor orc is justified if u can take morannons instead?[/color]

Which ones are better? Mordor orcs or morannon orcs? There is the thing that morannon orcs are only F3, so they really are not that elite. Like if u take morannon orcs 6 spear 6 spear+shield 12 shield (typical package) that is 8.25 points per orc. That is not ultra bad price, but then enemy might have for 10-11 points OP uruk hai or OP dwarves OR op elves. And in this regard mordor orcs start to seem more tempting, at least as long as u can have enough cheap leaders for them (still missing the old times when u didnt need many leaders!).

So then mordor orcs have more items. Let's say u have a mordor orc with 2 handed axe, and u do a piercing strike against a D8 dwarf. u will have about 2D urself, so u will die on 3+, but ur dmg is enough to kill enemy on 5+. Ur unit costs 40% less. Ok, dwarves are of course better (they are OP), but u get the point. The orc is actually doing quite a lot damage for 6 points. If it happens to win. Morannon orc would kill the same target on 6+ though, and would die on 5+. So Morannon orcs die about 1/3 speed. In this comparison morannon orc starts to seem better. Then u can take mordor orc shieldman with piercing strike, average dies 4+ against enemy the dwarf, kills enemy on 6+. So 50% mordor orcs are dead same time as 33% morannon orcs are dead. So let's say 36 orcs: 18 mordor orcs are dead while 12 morannon orcs are dead. That s 108p dead vs 99p dead. So morannons are a bit more cost effective.

So, the conclusion is that in the front line the mordor orcs might work as a good meatshield. Please remember if mordor orcs don't do piercing strike, then S4 enemy needs 5+ to kill them just like morannon orcs. Because orcs are cheap, u can risk them with piercing strikes, while morannon orcs are alrdy so expensive u cant (as well). Also, as the calculation should proof (very simple calculation nevertheless), the effectiveness is almost as good.

What is a problem with orcs though, is that their spearmen are only S3. U can't magic S3 spear into S4 strike. So how to compensate that? I honestly don't know. If we take spears into consideration morannons are simply superior. Mixing mordor orcs with morannons would mean average price of 7p, which is a bit high if u are gonna try piercing strikes.

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