Helm Hammerhand wrote:
@Hashut's Blessing,thanks for the clarification.
Seeing as most Elves have a shoot value of 3,I am a tad bit confused.These are Men on horseback,and they have a higher shoot value than Elves on foot
On face value it is odd. Elves have lived far longer and are way better at everything, etc. etc. etc.
But game balance wise, rohan has to have something special about them. No monsters, no super epic heroes, no warmachines, etc..
Rohan is very much a mongol horde analogue. They are horsemen. If anyone should be able to throw sticks or shoot bows from horseback it isnt a stretch to think of Rohan being that choice.
A super shooty scouting formation isnt that odd when taken into context with the rest of the book.