The One Ring

WOTR High Elf Regiment Glaives
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Author:  Celebdriel [ Sun May 02, 2010 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  WOTR High Elf Regiment Glaives

Have a look at the WOTR Stat profiles for HE Regiment, Cohort & Archers. The F is exactly the same. Does this mean that the regiment add 1 to their F in combat for having Glavies or is it already factored into their statline? (Like shields already are for the Cohort?)

I tend for the former - As I'm and Elf player and the other statlines are the same (being listed as having handweapons). What's your interpretation?

Author:  Erurainon the Trombonist [ Mon May 03, 2010 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

You add 1 to their fight value for glaives, so they become 1 fight higher than those with bows.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Mon May 03, 2010 12:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

The shields are put into the profile (except for a misprint with one of the Legendary Formations of the Isengard list) because they realise that people don't know how to add 2 for infantry and 1 for cavalry, but only to their front, lol :D

However, all other wargear bonuses are added by yourself, not included in the statline (for example, this SHOULD mean [since I've not seen people talk about this] that a failed Terror test, plus glaives, gives you F1, not F0.), so Galives and Pikes give you +1 fight on top of your statline.

Author:  Celebdriel [ Tue May 04, 2010 5:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Cheers, that's what I thought. (Although if you look in the base profile they do include armour for example if it's part of the wargear)

Good thought about +1 weapon type for failing a terror test, hadn't considered that.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Wed May 05, 2010 12:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, the armour is included, but that's because it can't be negated or upgraded, so it essentially is just fluff stating what armour they have ;)

Also, I don't think I've seen ANYone take Terror + weapon bonus into account and I know that I previously hadn't, lol :D Of course, Two-handed weapons and Terror would have to be worked out: is the minimum stat 0 or is Fight an exception? :D Now I'm just being a pain, but it's something to check! At least with your opponent (if the book doesn't say a minimum stat, then you can get -1F! If it says that the lowest is 0, then you have your answer :D ).

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