The One Ring

Questions about Dwarves & Goblins
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Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Questions about Dwarves & Goblins

Hi all, as you can see I have a couple of questions. Most are about goblins or Dwarves, but also some other questions. (This is SBG)

Yesterday, I had a battle with my cousin. We played the scenario 'Ill met by moonlight', it was our first scenario, and well, we actually ended up defending ruines. But we played in the dark as in the scenario. Our first question was this:

- Can you volley in the dark? If so, what's the range?

Since he played Dwarves and I played goblins, we had some other questions. First of all was about the ruines my cousin was defending:

- If you defend a wall, can you still support the model? I know he can't support with Dwaves but this was just a random question while playing. If so, does the defending party throw 2 dices instead of each model apart as the attacking force?
- How many points does the attacking force gets? I know it's more than the defending but we could not find it. At the end I had 50% more points than my cousin.

Now some questions about our forces:

- Does the King's Champion model count as a captain? If so, does he has the 'Stand Fast' rule? (Same question for Shieldbearer)
- If using the KG in a fight, can you re-roll 2 dices? Since there are 2 heralds counting as a banner?
- Does the previous question also counts on a normal warrior?
- Can the heralds re-roll twice when within 8cm range of each other? Can they re-roll for their own banner and can they also use the other one?

Thanks in advice.

Kind regards

Author:  BlackMist [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions about Dwarves & Goblins


- Can you volley in the dark? If so, what's the range?

Depending on the scenario rules. In Ill Met By Moonlight no shooting is allowed over 12", therefore no volley either. You can however cast spells over that if you wish.

- If you defend a wall, can you still support the model? I know he can't support with Dwaves but this was just a random question while playing. If so, does the defending party throw 2 dices instead of each model apart as the attacking force?

Yes, you can spear-support a model defending a barrier. I don't exactly understand the second question - you ignore the supporter and fight as if you were fighting 1v1 against the attackers, supporter only provides 1 extra attack to the model he is supporting and otherwise does not take part in combat in any possible way.
- How many points does the attacking force gets? I know it's more than the defending but we could not find it. At the end I had 50% more points than my cousin.

Depends on the scenario and the walls you're using, usually it's about 33-50% more, but sometimes it can be 100% more.
- Does the King's Champion model count as a captain? If so, does he has the 'Stand Fast' rule? (Same question for Shieldbearer)

They are both heroes, therefore normal hero rules apply to them, unless differently specified in their entries.
- If using the KG in a fight, can you re-roll 2 dices? Since there are 2 heralds counting as a banner?

No. Even if you had 5 banners within combat, the combat is still in range of *a* banner and gets 1 re-roll. You are however allowed more than 1 dice if you're using some other rules, like Durin's Axe - it allows you to reroll and it doesn't state that you count as if in range of a banner, hence having that and a banner gives you 2 separate dice to re-roll.
- Does the previous question also counts on a normal warrior?
- Can the heralds re-roll twice when within 8cm range of each other? Can they re-roll for their own banner and can they also use the other one?

See above.


Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions about Dwarves & Goblins

Well thank you for the quick reply! I understand now. You can't use 2 banners in 1 battle to re-roll, but you can have more banners for each hero you have, spreading them over your force. And what I meant about the supporting, you gave me an answer for what I was searching, thanks alot! :D

Author:  TheGoblinTacticus [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions about Dwarves & Goblins

Thank you, I heard something about not volleying in dark, and I now know the answer! Also I was wondering about the fortress units, so thanks!

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