Wondering what is your gals/guys insight on the ruling on having a Banner in a mixed Warhost, also for a Banner in general.
Say does; a MT banner in warband 1 effect the Rohan in warband 2if they are allied together ...or... Dwarven warband allied with Elven warband?
Trying to understand the wording for the Banner "All models within 3" of one or more friendly banner bearers are in range of a banner."
Also does the Banner bonus apply to each model fighting in the Fight or collectively? Meaning if I was able to get 2 Iron Guards on 1 Orc does the Banner allow me to re-roll one failed attack roll for both Iron Guards, if both missed; or collectively only, if both IG missed am I only able to re-roll one of their attacks?
I believe that it is for the collective of those friendly models in one fight, but I have a friend saying otherwise.
Thanks -