The One Ring

A few odd questions
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Author:  Gondorian Captain [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  A few odd questions

A few odd questions:

If an elven storm caller uses call winds and pushes a model off of a chasm or edge of a rampart, does the model stop on the edge or plummet below?

If a channeled Panic Steed targets a warrior, can a hero who will be within the range of the spell try to resist its effect on his own mount. (eg. a Captain of Rohan is in base contact with a royal guard, the Royal guard is targeted and having no will points cannot resist, he is thrown, can the captain use his will to resist being thrown or is he automatically thrown as the initial target could not resist?)

Can renew target the caster? (So can Elrond or Radagast heal themselves) I would assume yes as it doesn't say they cannot.

Author:  JamesR [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

The only one I feel strongly about is the third, I intend to use this on Radagast's Sleigh, to keep it alive against bow-fire

Author:  VandalCabbage [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

I dont think renew can be self cast. Terrifying aura specifically says range - self, and renew does not. Bladewrath (easterling war preist) specifically says that it can be cast on self as well as others, and renew does not.

For panic steed: A spell can be resisted by any single model in range I believe, as per natures wrath. Not sure about this one though.

I don't know call winds but I think they would go over the cliff. Again not quite sure.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

Channeled panic steed can only be resisted by the targest model, not by any model in range ;) so if you are wanting to dismount a flying wraith, boromir etc, aim for a generic bod near by.

I would say renew can be self cast, especially as it has similar wording to Ori's spec rule and he gets might back if he kills a hero. (FB me if that doesnt make sense)

And yes, models would go over the edge and suffer damage as per the rulebook.

Author:  VandalCabbage [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

"Some magical powers affect several enemies (such as Natures wrath, for instance). Such magical powers can only be resisted by a single model - their victims' controlling player chooses any one of the models in range to resist the magical power. Expend his will and take the resist test as described above. If the test is passed, then the spell has no effect on any of the models in range." p77

The renew thing is interesting - can Gandalf strengthen his own stock of will points after expending some?

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

I stand corrected then re: panic steed. Well spotted.

And i'm not sure about strengthen will, I guess he could but I wouldnt be sure...

Author:  JamesR [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

In the old rules Gandalf could strengthen his own will, as it has not been clarified yet in the newest rules that's how I'll play it until such clarification.
That's how I always handle "rule gaps"

Author:  VandalCabbage [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

He could certainly use it, the totally unneeded debuff to blinding light leaves him in need of a competitive edge v.s. the other wizards. Poor Cirdan, he's even worse off...

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

In the old rules it says you couldn't cast strengthen will on yourself...where does it say Gandalf can?

Author:  VandalCabbage [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

Mmm, I misread it. It's a "friendly hero within range" whereas renew is "the Target". My bad.

Author:  rififivos [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

VandalCabbage wrote:
"Some magical powers affect several enemies (such as Natures wrath, for instance). Such magical powers can only be resisted by a single model - their victims' controlling player chooses any one of the models in range to resist the magical power. Expend his will and take the resist test as described above. If the test is passed, then the spell has no effect on any of the models in range." p77

That is not quite correct. You should read two paragraphs above the one you quoted. It is specifically stated that if a magical power has an initial target then only that model can take a resisting test. All other models which are indirectly affected, such as in the case of the channeled Panic Steed, cannot make a resist roll.

Author:  VandalCabbage [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

But panic steed is now an area of effect spell. That paragraph refers to sorcerous blast, where a spell has effected a totally different guy and the physics play out from there. Panic steed is specifically affecting more than one horse now. I makes sense why you can't resist the blast - it doesn't effect you, but someone else. Panic steed does.

Author:  rififivos [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

It still has an initial target. All other models are idirectly affected. Only the initial target can resist. Channeled Panic Steed resembles more to Sorcerous Blast than to Nature's Wrath.

Author:  VandalCabbage [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

That's a matter of opinion, but I think its like this. The initial target is just an epicentre of a "blast radius" of fear, like how volley fire used to work. Sorcerous blast only literally affects one guy - it chucks him about. If he hits someone else? That's physics, not magic. He's been punched, and moves a bit, and hits someone else who's probably not expecting it. The Panic steed is simultaneously causing all the horses/wargs/dragonypentrodayctlthingies to feel fear and want to run away. Only by mastering their steed can a hero inspire the horse/etc to stick around.

If a spear model was transfixed, the guy he was going to support can't do a thing about it - he is an indirect victim. An uruk-hai captain that's just had an unlucky subordinate in full armour propelled at him is also an indirect victim, just in a more immediately lethal way. But a bunch of horses wanting to run away at the same time are direct victims.

If you want to play it your way that's fine though. :)
I just feel that that way doesn't add a lot to a game (could have some sneaky exploit, whatever). But all IMHO.

Author:  whafrog [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A few odd questions

rififivos wrote:
It still has an initial target. All other models are idirectly affected. Only the initial target can resist. Channeled Panic Steed resembles more to Sorcerous Blast than to Nature's Wrath.

Have to agree with VandalCabbage on this. The initial target is only for the purposes of marking the center of the effect, similar to Nature's Wrath except the caster is the center. Other models are still targeted, and if they have the means to resist then they can.

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