The One Ring

Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly
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Author:  MRmehman [ Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

A while back I was trying to find a good way of making Veterans work well and spotted that their special rule doesn't necessarily rule out using models names Faramir or Boromir from different armies. So the question is, could the Vets gain 1+ to their fight value from fellowship Boromir? I bet there's been a ruling on this in the past but I couldn't find anything. Thanks all.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

According to the book(unless there are errats I don't know of) it absolutely adds one to their fight value if Boromir is around in any profile.

Author:  MRmehman [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
According to the book(unless there are errats I don't know of) it absolutely adds one to their fight value if Boromir is around in any profile.

Thanks, wish the rule was a little more specific.

Author:  LordElrond [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

It's not an anomaly. They'd be inspired by Boromir whatever he was wearing. Just because he's not wearing a full plate harness, doesn't mean he doesn't inspire his troops.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

They'd be especially [word deleted] if they saw him with some arrows in his chest.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

MRmehman wrote:
LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
According to the book(unless there are errats I don't know of) it absolutely adds one to their fight value if Boromir is around in any profile.

Thanks, wish the rule was a little more specific.

Theres A LOT more I wish was specific. But all you have to do is either agree upon it with your opponent or ask your tournament organizer in advance to see what they say.

I hate lack of specifics and I hate certain rules.

Why cant a troll throw behind himself?

Pick up and chuck backwards takes less effort than to pick up wind back and then throw forward......screw that.

Author:  MRmehman [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

LordElrond wrote:
It's not an anomaly. They'd be inspired by Boromir whatever he was wearing. Just because he's not wearing a full plate harness, doesn't mean he doesn't inspire his troops.

Yeah, Anomaly was the wrong word. I ask because there aren't too many special rules that can be affected by friendly troops from other armies.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

So guys are we agreed about this:

If Boromir.and Faramir are within 6 inches of an Osgiliath vet does he get fight 5?

Author:  MRmehman [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
So guys are we agreed about this:

If Boromir.and Faramir are within 6 inches of an Osgiliath vet does he get fight 5?

Well, Fight 4, Fight 5 if Boromir ctwt has brought his banner with him.

Author:  Galanur [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

I found out that is better to get Osg vets with spear to support than front wall fodder... (unless you´re running themed).

To make them F5 you need to be near Boromir with banner, that is kinda irrelevant if you intend to make em fight 5.
For 3pts more you got Guards of the fountain court which do that job better still, having that F5 near 3", higher Defence, Courage, spear included and bodyguard rule.

The only good advantage I can see for osg vet will be the fight 4/dwarf standart costing the same as a geared dwarf with 1 less Defence and +1mv (if the dwarf goes with shield on same statline as the Osg vet).

Author:  MRmehman [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

Galanur wrote:
I found out that is better to get Osg vets with spear to support than front wall fodder... (unless you´re running themed).

To make them F5 you need to be near Boromir with banner, that is kinda irrelevant if you intend to make em fight 5.
For 3pts more you got Guards of the fountain court which do that job better still, having that F5 near 3", higher Defence, Courage, spear included and bodyguard rule.

The only good advantage I can see for osg vet will be the fight 4/dwarf standart costing the same as a geared dwarf with 1 less Defence and +1mv (if the dwarf goes with shield on same statline as the Osg vet).

Thanks. Should I just put WOMT as my front line or Fountain Court? I'm just not so into the idea of fountain court only being S3 with one attack. Seems like they will struggle to win fights on their own. Fountain Court vs Vets feels like a different thread though.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath Veteran Rule Anomaly

I'd say put them behind for their fight value and spear support and leave the WOMT in front to die and save points. Once you get close and clash lines having them in front is good but wait till you're close.

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