Hello everyone,
Not sure if the correct place for this

however here goes. So essentially I am a big user of Nazgyl (WK, named, budget ones, depending on the army and need) on horses (don`t have much experience with the Fellbeasts and not getting into that atm.)
Question is, since purchasing a Ringwraith on a horse is quite difficult (even on ebay and other places I have looked) - the old metal Nazgyl on horses have quite a high price tag

. Thus I am looking for the most versatile Nazgyl on horse miniature

Of all the avaliable ones still produced by the GW I see that the Shadow Lord on a horse looks most similar to an authentic RW on a horse . I merely wanted to ask for peoples opinions who have seen different named Ringwraiths on horses. Which one seems like the most "neutral" so to speak?
Much appreciated & Kind Regards
The Mouth