SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
The spider queen is only 75 points, and for me she always kills about 100 points worth of models, which come in the form of rushing captains and killing a few elites. The "best" use of the broodlings is to negate archers that are 19" away: SQ moves 10", summons broodlings 3" away, broodlings charge 6", and thus SQ can charge on open ground without fear of bowfire.
Yeah! I forgot about leapfrogging the Broodlings like that. It's been a long time since I've used her like that. My last couple games that included her on one side or the other have been up close and personal (used against me last was on a board covered with several Rohan huts and large hills for cover. But rushing her forward, throwing the spawn out at max distance and then rushing them can be a real surprise. Just have some other fast units (Spiders or Wargs for example) to support her or she may be cut off, surrounded and killed easily.
Beowulfs tactic of surrounding enemy heroes is an excellent tactic, since you get an extra 6 attacks to wound from the broodlings. There are an abundance of fight 5 heroes which cost the same as SQ but can be completely destroyed by her.
SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
The biggest threat to her is glorfindel, because of his annoying fight 7

I don't use Glorfindel much but the combat version of Galadriel is also great for taking her (and most monsters) down.