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 Post subject: Rockstars
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:22 pm 
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I had an idea the other day about a wargame in which each player controls a band made up of various musicians from the last 100 years or so, the game works alot like the video game "brutal legend" in which players must use their band's songs to summon creatures and defeat enemies with the power of rock, however im no games developer so here are a few sbg stats i came up with for some rockstars.

The are a few rules which apply to all rockstars, which are as follows!

Rock off: Once per turn, at the end of the move phase, each band may challenge a single enemy model within 7" to a "rock off" issuing a challenge works exactly like a rock off, and requires a single member of the band to give up a point of might. The target model and each member of the band roll a single dice and adds a single characteristic from its profile to the dice roll, whoever gets the highest roll wins the rock off, the loser loses all of his wounds, he may use fate to save them and the characteristic they chose to add to their roll is permanently reduced by 1. Might and will may both be used to influence the "rock off" roll. If a model is engaged in combat but wants to issue a rock off challenge, the models engaged in combat with the rockstar must move an inch back (this may be into combat if the controlling player wishes)

For example, tenacious d challenge durburz to a rock off, durburz rolls a 5 on his dice and chooses to add his defence to the dice roll, making the total roll 11, JB rolls a 4 and adds his courage of 7 to the roll, making it a total of 11, KG rolls a 6 and adds his courage of 6 to the roll, amking a 12, so tenacious d win the rock off and durburz is killed

Songs: A bands main power is their music, each band may play a single song per turn, which works exactly like a spell, except it does not use up any will and it cannot be resisted.

There is no "I" in band!: Being in a band requires alot of teamwork, and as such all members of a band must be alive for the other members to sing any songs, for every member of a band who dies, the enemy may remove D2 songs from that bands setlist!

LoMe: Rockstars may be included in any army, good or evil!

Tenacious D 200pts for both

3 3 5 1 2 7 2 2 2

4 3 5 1 2 6 2 2 2

Special rules:
Resistant to magic
True fans: While within 6" of another rockstar, each member of tenacious d may gain 1 special rule from a rockstar (while they are within range)
they also count as being within range of a banner if they are withing 6" of another rockstar.
Kyle took a bullet for me: Tencaious d instantly pass all courage tests while within 3" of one another.
Master of covers: When tenacious d are "allied" into another band, they bring all their songs into their new band, not just one each.

Wonderboy: For this turn Kyle and Jack both gain superpowers, JB may cast a single black dart automatically and KG may cast the call winds spell on d6 models this turn (These represent the telekenesis and mind bullets described in the song wonderboy)

Double team/F**k her gently: These songs were written to get tenacious d laid, this turn tenacious d may summon a single female model, consult the table below to decide who is summoned:

1 or 2: Eowyn with whatever equipment the player wants
4 or 5: Arwen
5 Galadriel (either version)
6 Galadriel with well/any of the above

The summoned model arrives within 6" of a member of tenacious D and is removed at the end of the turn. The model does not regain any lost characteristic points re-summoned.

Master exploder: For this turn all friendly models within 6" count as being under the effect of both fury and tenacious d count as terrifying models. Additionally a single enemy model within 12" may suffer a single strength 6 hit.

Kyle quit the band: Each member of the band is restored D3 character points (W,M,W,F)

The metal: In this song, tenacious D summon "The metal" to fight for them, the metal is represented by a cave troll, the troll may be placed within 6" of a member of tenacious d and dies at the end of the turn in which he was summoned, "the metal" does not recover any lost wounds if he is re-summoned. Summoning the metal requires a member of tenacious d to give up a point of might and will.

The Who........... 80pts per member

Roger daltrey
4 4 4 1 2 5 3 2 2

Roger daltrey is armed with his microphone, a hand weapon and a lethal throwing weapon which has a range of 10" and a strength of 4
Special rules:
Roger daltrey has amazing skills with his microphone, he may "shoot" it twice in the move phase, as opposed to shooting in the shoot phase.

John entwistle
4 4 4 1 2 10 2 2 2

John is armed with a bass guitar (one or two handed weapon)

Special rules:
Standing like a statue: If john does not move, he increases his defence by 5 for that turn.
Crazy Bass solo: The best bassist that ever lived, john entwistle may call a crazy solo during any song that his band call, when he plays a crazy bass solo, a single enemy is paralyzed in awe, the model counts as if under the effect of a barrow wights "paralyse" spell, the model also takes a strength 3 hit.

Pete Townsend

5 4 4 2 2 5 3 2 3

Pete townsend is armed with a guiat (hand weapon)
Special rules:
Powerslide: Pete townshend counts as a monstrous mount when he charges.

Keith moon:
? ? ? ? ? ? 2 2 2

Keith moon is armed with a drumkit (counts as a shield/hand weapon except when he shields with it, he also counts as defending a barrier)

Special rules:
Unpredictable: The craziest drummer ever, when keith moon is called to use one of his statistics, roll a d6, this then becomes keiths permenant statistic for this value, (roll a d3 for wounds or attacks)

For example, keith is engaged by a goblin, and he requires an attack and fight value to fight the goblin, so the controlling player rolls a d3 and gets a 2, this becomes keiths attack value, the player then rolls a d6, to discover keiths fight value, the player rolls a 6, this is now keiths permenant fight value.

Songs that all members of the who can play:

Magic bus: Magic bus counts as a sorcerous blast, except any friendly models in the way of the blast are not harmed, but instead mounted on an armoured horse for the duration of that turn.

Pinball wizard: This song prevents ALL friendly models from being compelled/commanded/transfixed/immobilized/paralyzed for that turn.

My generation: This song inspires all nearby allies to fight with renewed angst, all models within 6" count as being within range of a banner. John entwistle's solo is a strength 5 hit if this song is played, it also paralyzes TWO enemies as opposed to the usual one.

Boris the spider: For this turn, a group of spiders are summoned to fight alongside the who, roll on the following table to decide what:

1: a single giant spider
2: 2 giant spiders
3: 3 giant spiders
4: shelob
5: spider queen
6: choose from the above.

Summoned models are removed once their song has ended, and summoning spiders requires a member of the who to give up a point of might and will.

Making a super group:
When comboing multiple rockstars into one band the amount of songs that can be played by the band varies as such: Each member of the band may carry over one song from their original bands set list into the new band.
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 Post subject: Re: Rockstars
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:19 pm 

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 Post subject: Re: Rockstars
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:43 pm 
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Colosseum wrote:

While i understand your cynicism i do not intend for this to be the sort of thing that goes hand ion hand with lotr games, im just wondering if its the sort of thing that could work in the sbg system, or should i develop different set of rules for a game of this kind? Remember that there are loads of different variants of the sbg system.
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 Post subject: Re: Rockstars
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:09 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:08 am
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Love the idea of Tenacious D... personally I think it doesnt belong in middle earth in this form but if you were to convert these rules for modern warfare this would be GENIUS!!!
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 Post subject: Re: Rockstars
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:13 pm 
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I am really tempted to make a full game from this, i think it has some potential, i chose lotr jsut cos it has alot of the imagery used by musicians and cos its the only game i play, maybe a different version involving hippies, mods roadies and metal heads as mainline infantry would work :P

The next profiles im thinking of are rush and i had a few ideas for generic equipment:

Cheezy 80's outfits (the wearer causes terror)
Kimono's (the wearer counts as wearing an elven cloak)

How would this work in modern warfare, im curious?
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 Post subject: Re: Rockstars
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:23 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:08 am
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Imagine this

Swap team are about to raid an school where an armed gang are holding the president's children hostage when....

Saxon walk out with their guitars and pull a solo which summons the spirit of ozzy who bites off the main baddy's head.

"Sir we are pinned down, their have morters and snipers all tracking our movements"
"There sits wonderboy sitting all so proudly"
Tenacious D fly in and cause a pretty average movie to happen which the Terrorists want to star in, during which time the americans get away.

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