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 Post subject: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:34 am 
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My opponet gets priority and is about to charge with his wargs. Does my hero first have to call a Heroic Move before Radagast casts Aura of Dismay? Or can I wait until the enemy has committed to the charge, then Radagast casts the spell, and watches them whither, just when they thought they had their charge bonus... :twisted: If Radagast has to cast it before the actual charge, that will postpone the charge--(only an idiot would charge into a Courage test for orcs). But if he can cast it after (or actually during, as reality is nearly similtaneous)-- then...those who fail never charged? They back off the attack? (realization dawns...) I am now thinking that casting it after a charge might be a wee bit too late... :oops:

Can someone straighten me out and maybe nuance this tactic for me?


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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:14 am 
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First off wild wargs do not get a charge bonus, second off you have to call a heroic move before your opponent starts moving his blokes, but if you say "wait a minute, im thinking about heroic moving" and he ignores you and starts moving his blokes around then you are in the right if you want to call a heroic move.
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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:55 pm 
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We've learned at the beginning of the Move and Fight phases to pause for a second and ask if anyone is considering a heroic action (we've never used heroic shoot). Too many times we've forgotten until it's too late.

@fritskuhntm - heroic actions have to be resolved before anybody else takes a move.
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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:01 pm 

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You can only do something with a model when you activate it, so if raddy gets charged its to late and others have said wild wargs do not get charge bonus.
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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:38 am 
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Question Rephrased: After a Cavalry charge is completed, is it too late for Aura of Dismay to affect the chargers?

I am now realizing, yes, that would be too late, as fighters already engaged in combat don't have to take a courage test. Therefore, Radagast would have to cast before that charge, by first having a friendly hero pre-empt the enemy priority with a Heroic Move, then casting his spell.

Is this right? Anything I have missed here? Any nuances on this tactic? Or other tips on frustrating that enemy cavalry charge?

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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:01 pm 
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fritskuhntm wrote:
Is this right? Anything I have missed here? Any nuances on this tactic? Or other tips on frustrating that enemy cavalry charge?

I believe you could have raddy call the heroic move, no need for another hero to call it. Also, raddy has an elven cloak (I think), if you're partially hidden, and the opponent is further than 6" away (very possible if they are cavalry) then they can't charge you as they can't see you. :D
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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:58 am 
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Can Radagast call a Heroic Move and cast a spell in same turn? Can't he only do one of those? I assumed a different, nearby hero would have to call the Heroic Move. That is a side question, however.

Original Question: Does Radagast have to cast Aura of Dismay before the charge, or can he cast it after the charge and still force the chargers to take Courage Tests?

Answer (?): I suspect now that he MUST cast it before the charge, because after the charge, the enemy will be in combat and are not required to test while engaged in combat. Just waiting for confirmation on this.

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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:07 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:44 pm
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Radagast has to cast Aura BEFORE the charge for it to take effect. Once models have charged there will be no courage tests because the test is taken at the beginning of a model's move, while these have already finished moving.

Radagast CAN call a Heroic Move and cast a spell at the same time, why would he not be able to do that?

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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:51 am 
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Great; thanks.

BlackMist wrote:
Radagast CAN call a Heroic Move and cast a spell at the same time, why would he not be able to do that?

More like, "why didn't I know that?" In my head, a Heroic Move was Big Deal, and casting a spell was a Big Deal...and now I know that Radagast can pull off two Big Deals in the same move... I gotta play this game more. :oops:

"make me lunch... worthy of Mordor"
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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:05 am 

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fritskuhntm wrote:
Great; thanks.

BlackMist wrote:
Radagast CAN call a Heroic Move and cast a spell at the same time, why would he not be able to do that?

More like, "why didn't I know that?" In my head, a Heroic Move was Big Deal, and casting a spell was a Big Deal...and now I know that Radagast can pull off two Big Deals in the same move... I gotta play this game more. :oops:

And then your opponant casts Fury, bugger.... :)
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 Post subject: Re: Disrupting a Charge w/ Aura of Dismay
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:21 pm 
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fritskuhntm wrote:
More like, "why didn't I know that?" In my head, a Heroic Move was Big Deal, and casting a spell was a Big Deal...and now I know that Radagast can pull off two Big Deals in the same move...

That's definitely overthinking the rules, as far as I know there is no Big Deal Limit :) Besides, it's not really a Big Deal, because you're exhausting the resources of the model, it's not like he gets a freebie. Costs Might to call a heroic move (which may be countered by the enemy); costs Will to cast the magic (though he does get one free per turn). You have to pay for all Big Deals...
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