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 Post subject: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:45 am 
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Recently i've been thinking about the lack of Synergists in the sbg, the only two currently available are the monkey twins and murin and drar, here are a few of my suggestions for synergists.

Merry and Eoywn 80pts

5 3 5 3 2 8 3 3 3

Note: Merry and Eowyn must both be mounted on a single 40mm base
Eowyn is equipped with a sword, Merry is equipped with a magic dagger and a shield they may be mounted on a horse for 15pts

Special rules:
Disguise: When Merry and Eowyn rode to war, they were disguised as normal warriors of rohan, because of this they do not grant a standfast to friendly warriors. However when deploying your models, do not deploy merry and eoywn, instead deploy two ordinary warriors of rohan. At the start of any phase (or at the end of the movement phase) the player controlling merry and eowyn may remove two warriors of rohan within 3" of eachother and replace them with the merry and eoywn model, all models in base contact with the two warriors are placed into base contact with merry and eowyn by the evil player

Combat: Merry and Eowyn are capable of fighting in many different ways: The first way involves merry using his shield while eowyn strikes hard and fast with her sword, in which case merry and Eowyn roll 3 dice to determine who wins the fight and roll 1 dice for wounding, which recieves a +1 bonus

Heroic sacrifice: Merry is a particularly brave hobbit, and will gladly put himself in mortal danger to save his fair lady, luckily he has a handy dagger which makes his sacrifice all the more deadly! Before Merry and Eowyn roll their dice to fight, the good player may choose to "sacrifice" Merry, doing so removes 1 wound and 1 defence off of Merry and Eowyn's profile (if this brings their total to zero or below, they may both still fight the combat, but will be removed after wounding the enemy) but boosts all their characteristics by 2 for a turn, and also confers a +2 bonus to all wounding rolls for that turn, in addition, one enemy model in combat with Merry and Eowyn chosen by the good player has his defence value reduced by 3. When merry is sacrificed the merry and eowyn model is replaced with a normal eowyn model.

Will to battle: Merry and Eowyn are desperate to prove their worth in combat, if merry and eowyn charged in to combat then the good player may, before rolling any dice to fight, use a single point of will to boost any of their strength, attacks or fight characteristics by 1

Legolas and Gimli...250pts for both

Legolas and gimli are mounted on seperate bases and follow all of their usual rules/stats and may purchase additional equipment for the same cost presented in their profile

Special rules:

Killing contest: Legolas and Gimli are well known for constantly attempting to out do one another, this applies on the battlefield most clearly. The player controlling Legolas and Gimli should keep a note of how many kills Gimli gets and how many kills legolas gets, the model with the least kills at the start of every move phase gets to call a single heroic action for free that turn. If the two models are both drawn then neither of them get the free might point that turn.

Inspiring friendship: Legolas and Gimli are excellent friends to one another and benefit from eachothers standfast rolls, just as if they were warriors, if one of them fails a standfast, the other may perform one to "save" their friend, if the second standast is failed, both models are removed. Legolas and gimli may also use eachothers will/fate points as if they were their own and when one of them dies, all of their remaining might/will/fate is passed onto the surviving one. Any elf or dwarf counts as being within range of a banner if both legolas and gimli are within 3", the banner affect also allows them to re-roll failed courage tests.

Teamwork: Legolas and Gimli may be appointed as a leader, but one of them must be chosen as the actual leader for purposes of "to kill a king" games, but in contest of champions, the one who scores the most kills counts as the leader.

There we are, i hope their not too overpowered.

Last edited by SuicidalMarsbar on Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:21 pm 
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Just some "humble opinion" feedback...

The Merry/Eowyn profile is worth way more than 100 points, if you imagine it as a single model. Each has only 1 wound normally, so I'm not sure why they have 4 wounds together. They also normally only have 1 attack, so giving 3 together could work, but might work better if they had 2 attacks, but you could still use your combat rules: 3 dice to win, 1 to wound. The cost could be reduced to the ~80 point range, which makes it a nice mid-range hero for 500 point games.
I like the disguise rule, the idea of the sacrifice rule (which costs only 1 wound), and the will to battle (though 4 will is too much). Also thinking they should automatically pass courage tests while both are alive.

I think the unbreakable bond rule should be dropped from the Legolas/Gimli profile, it's not necessary nor really in character. The Twins were a special case, but once is enough.
I like the killing contest, but a free might point seems a bit much. Together they're more potent than Aragorn King, but cost less. Perhaps a free heroic action would be effective, but more limiting.
I like the first part of inspiring friendship for the standfast. The rest seems way too potent.
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:27 pm 
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BTW I gave you wiki access, but it didn't have an email to notify you with...
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:06 pm 

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Dear sir this concept is AWESOME!

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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:04 am 
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Thanks draked, i made a few updates to the original post to incorporate what whafrog said :)
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:43 am 
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Here is another one i've been thinking of for a while:

Goblin Troll handler 110pts
A goblin troll handler is represented in game by two models, one is a Goblin "Handler" and a cave troll.

3/4+ 4 5 1 2 4 2 2 2

A Handler is equipped with a hand weapon, a whip and an orc bow

Troll: The troll follows all the normal rules for a troll, except it has got a single point of might will and fate.

Beast handler: Provided that the Handler is not in combat, the troll may use the Handlers might/will/fate points as if they belonged to the troll! In addition, the troll and the handlers heroic actions do not benefit other models (besides other trolls!) The troll and the handler do not provide a standfast, but they do count as banners to eachother.

Skilled shot: A troll handler can muster great skill to defend his beast from harm, when a troll is outnumbered in combat, the handler may shoot into the combat and hit a single target automatically.

Wild beast: If a trolls handler is slain, the troll must make a courage test before every move phase. If the troll fails the test it will have to charge the nearest enemy model, ironically, it will past any test required to charge a terrifying model.

Whips of the master: A troll Handler may expend a point of will to whip the troll, doing so will make the troll suffer a single strength 1 hit, and will boost the all the trolls characteristic values by 1 for the rest of that turn (excluding M/W/F)

Note: For the purposes of CoC, combine both the troll and the handlers kills together to from the total killed by your leader, for the purposes of TKaK, the good player must choose to kill them troll OR the handler.
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:18 am 
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Interesting you would come up with that handler concept, I posted something here a few years back in that vein...the intent was a First Age set of profiles, but it never got very far. Here's mine:

Troll Handler: points 7
These Goblins are the trainers and leaders of Primitive Trolls (see below)
3/- 3 6 1 1 2

Wargear: a Troll Handler wears heavy armour and a shield (it’s a dangerous job, befriending a Troll). He carries a crude hand weapon.

Special Rules:
Cave Dweller
Handle Troll: a handler must lead his Troll into battle by remaining in base contact with it until he decides to point it towards an enemy. He can not point the Troll towards an enemy that is not in line of sight, or more than 12”/28cm away. Once the Troll is unleashed, the handler must remain within 6”/14cm of the Troll, or the Troll must make a Courage test to avoid running back towards his handler. To point the Troll to a new enemy, the handler must come into base contact with the Troll again, otherwise the Troll will simply continue to attack the nearest enemy model

Primitive Troll: points 60
These mindless beasts were led into battle in chains and simply pointed at the enemy.

5/5+ 6 6 3 3 2

Wargear: a primitive Troll carries a huge hammer and comes equipped with a long chain
Troll Chain: (see main rules)

Special Rules:
Throw Stones (see main rules)
Handled: a Primitive Troll is almost devoid of thought. He requires a Troll Handler to lead him into battle (see rules above). While his handler is alive, the Troll will pass any Courage test he is required to make (unless his handler is more than 6”/14cm away, see above). If his handler is slain, a Troll will do everything possible to slay his handler’s slayer. After the slayer is killed, the Troll must pass a single Courage test. If he fails, he leaves the battle field immediately, counting as a casualty. If he succeeds, he goes on a revenge quest, always charging the nearest enemy model. After this he does not roll Courage for breaking, though he will roll Courage for charging models that cause Terror.
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:22 pm 

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Here's some more ideas for "pairs" of models:

Frodo and Sam
Merry and Pippin
Boromir and Faramir
Gollum and Shelob
Elendil and Gil galad

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:09 am 
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Gollum and Shelob: 100 points

Gollum and Shelob follow all their normal rules/stats

Special delivery: Gollum has been leading prey into shelob's lair for years, and many have fallen victim to shelobs venom thanks to gollum's foul treachery. In gaming terms we represent this by deploying gollum with the enemy team and designating a single enemy hero (if the ringbearer is in the enemy army, the designated hero must be the ringbearer) At the start of the move phase, If the designated hero is not within range to charge an enemy model, then he/she must pass a courage test, or make a full move towards gollum. Simlarly Gollum must make a full move towards shelob every turn. Once Shelob is in range to charge the designated hero then Gollum and the hero are both "freed" from their movement rules for the rest of the game. If gollum enters Shelobs charge range without the hero following him, Shelob moves into base contact with him and Gollum is then removed as a casualty.

Hunger: If shelob is, at any point, engaged in combat with the designated hero she may expend a single "free" might point in any part of the combat. However once she has sustained two wounds, she will flee the board.

Intellegent foes: Gandalf, Faramir, Madril, Radagast and Saruman are all heroes who are knowledgeable about shelob's location, once they have moved within 24" of shelob, they instantly expose Gollum as an enemy and Gollum may be charged/ shot/ magic may be used on him. This rule also applies to The spider Queen, The betrayer, Both versions of sauron and any hero from the "cirith ungol" army list.
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:48 pm 

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Elendil and Gil-galad: 300pts


F-7 S-5 D-7 A-3 W-3 C-6 M-3 W-3 F-3

Wargear: Elendil wears finely crafted heavy armour and bears the sword Narsil. Narsil increases its wielders Strength by one (the increase is included in the profile).

Special Rules
High King: As High King, Elendil enjoys huge loyalty from his warriors. Elendil's Standfast is 12in.


F-8 S-4 D-7 A-3 W-3 C-6 M-3 W-3 F-3

Wargear: Gil-galad wears heavy armour and bears the spear Aeglos. Aeglos increases its wielders Fight by one (the increase is included in the profile).

Special Rules
Lineage of the Firstborn: (see main rules manual)
Woodland Creature: (see main rules manual)

Joint Special Rules
Unselfish friendship: Elendil and Gil-galad have an unmatched friendship between them; each is willing to lay down his life for the other. Whenever either Hero spends a point of Fate, the other Hero must also spend a point of Fate. However, to represent the defence each provides for the other, the Fate rolls are passed on a 2+, rather than a 4+.
Warrior Bond: Elendil and Gil-galad's friendship has been forged on the battlefield, and so they can fight in perfect harmony with each other. If both are engaged in the same fight, they both gain an extra Attack.

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:52 pm 
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Gil-galad already has a fight of 9, so this is a decrease
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:57 am 

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whafrog wrote:
Gil-galad already has a fight of 9, so this is a decrease

I know. But I always thought the Fight 9 was bit silly.

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:35 pm 
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It was so he could tie with Sauron...not silly at all from an elf general's point of view :)
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:07 pm 
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Gil-Galad was the greatest warrior of his age. F9 makes perfect sense on him. Aeglos is a little underpowered on the original model, but other than that I think his original profile was pretty accurate.

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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:57 pm 

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At least, he is allowed at tournaments :twisted:
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:08 pm 

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Draugluin wrote:
Gil-Galad was the greatest warrior of his age.


For the sake of an argument, I'll put forward some other nominees: Glorfindel, Sauron, Elendil, Elrond, and the Balrog.

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:34 pm 
Elven Elder
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General Elessar wrote:
Draugluin wrote:
Gil-Galad was the greatest warrior of his age.


For the sake of an argument, I'll put forward some other nominees: Glorfindel, Sauron, Elendil, Elrond, and the Balrog.

Glorfindel wasn't alive in the 2nd Age, Sauron doesn't count cause he's a Maia AND evil, Elrond was Gil-Galads Herald, implying that he wasn't quite as strong a warrior, Balrog for the same reason as Sauron, and also, Durins Bane was asleep throughout the 2nd Age. The only reason why Elendil wouldn't be as powerful is because he was starting to get old while Gil-Galad wasn't bothered by age.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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 Post subject: Re: Synergy Profiles
PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:56 pm 
Elven Elder
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General Elessar wrote:
Joint Special Rules
Unselfish friendship: Elendil and Gil-galad have an unmatched friendship between them; each is willing to lay down his life for the other. Whenever either Hero spends a point of Fate, the other Hero must also spend a point of Fate. However, to represent the defence each provides for the other, the Fate rolls are passed on a 2+, rather than a 4+.

Should be that they can spend fate for the other if they're within 6".

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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