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 Post subject: Rings of Power
PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:40 pm 
Elven Elder
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In the game, the various Rings of Power that are seen in the books are given abilities. The One Ring has invisibilty for the good models and invincibility for Sauron, the Elven rings extend the lives of the wearer by making fate much more effective, and the various named Nazgul all have special rules that I would say are connected to their rings. So, my question is, what would you suppose the Dwarf rings would do in game? From what I know, they basically just increased the wealth, and the greed, of the wearer. I am asking this from the stand point of maybe using it in house rules that certain dwarvish heros, like the Kings and Durin, can purchase a dwarf ring.

I figure that it would boil down to each individual ring would increase a different stat for the wearer and for those nearby. Maybe have the Grimbold type rule where it opens up further options for your warriors, or maybe just everyone within 6in. This would represent that the wearer and those around him have more money, thus they have more training, better weapons or armor etc. Maybe offset this by giving them a Denethor like rule where they have to pass a courage test or they'll attack their fellows for trying to steal their gold.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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 Post subject: Re: Rings of Power
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:11 am 
Elven Warrior
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From what I've read, the Elves hid their rings while Sauron still held the One Ring. The 7 rings for the Dwarf Lords did not respond as Sauron had intended them to.

In the Second Age Sauron gave the Seven to various Dwarf-lords (though the Dwarves of Moria maintained a tradition that the ring given to Durin III came directly from the Elven smiths). Gandalf mentions a rumour that the seven hoards of the dwarves began each with a single golden ring so perhaps they do have some sort of ability to protect the bearer (otherwise he might not have been so lucky in his quest for wealth). The main power of the Seven on their wearers was to excite their sense of greed, and the Dwarves used their rings to increase their treasure. The wearers did not become invisible, did not get extended life-spans, nor succumb directly to Sauron's control – though he could still influence them to anger and greed.

But Sauron recovered three rings from the Dwarves, the last from Thráin II during his final captivity in Dol Guldur some years before the beginning of The Hobbit. The remaining four, according to Gandalf, were destroyed by dragons (consumed according to some sources). Perhaps one or two were discovered years later, after all the dragons will have decayed or been gutted for food etc.

Until the Council of Elrond, the Dwarves did not know that Thráin had held the ring of Durin's line and had lost it to Sauron. They thought instead that it might have been lost when Thrór was killed by Azog in Moria. One of the motivations for Balin's doomed expedition to Moria was the possibility of recovering the ring. Also Sauron's messenger attempted to bribe the Dwarves of Erebor for news of Bilbo (the last known bearer of the One) with the promise of the return of the remaining three of the Seven. Plenty of fun to be had with scenario or character special rules :)

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 Post subject: Re: Rings of Power
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:21 pm 
Elven Elder
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I know all of that, I was just wondering what people would think appropriate rules for them would be. I play a lot of games against dwarves (specifically Durin) so I wanted to make some rules for the dwarven rings. I think I have the rule figured out. Each of them increases a different stat; movement, fight, strength, defense, attack, wound and courage. Each of the bearers gains an additional point in one of the categories, but each has a varying amount of "free" upgrades for other warriors. So courage (the "least" useful, in terms of combat, especially for dwarves) would give an upgrade to 10 other dwarves, whereas attacks or wounds would only give 4-5. Or maybe just standardize them so all of them upgrade the same number.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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 Post subject: Re: Rings of Power
PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:05 pm 
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I ran an SBG event a couple years back which had three linked scenarios around the recovery of one of the Dwarf Rings. I will try to dig up the details but I worked out a chart with some random options of what the Ring might do for the wearer. General thought being the Rings (all of the Rings in my opinion) offered many benefits but as this particular Ring was intended for Dwarves it may manifest only a limited benefit for any other race. If a Dwarf player recovered and used the Ring they had a bonus rolling on the table. I only gave one random benefit because the players in the scenario were on the move and had little time to try to attune to the Ring and discover what it can do and how to use those powers.

But in my opinion, the Rings of Power should do far more than just +1 Fate as the Elf Ring examples. For the Dwarf Ring in the scenario I listed out several benefits, but as mentioned only one could generally be acquired in the game. Off the top of my head I believe the benefits were:

* increase Stand Fast range (with a greater increase for Dwarves)
* increase Courage +1 (+2 if Dwarf)
* increase Fight +1 (+2 if Dwarf)
* increase Strength +1
* provide d3 "free" Fate points for that game
* provide d3 "free" Might points for that game

The down side was that if you choose to wear it, you may be corrupted by the desire for increasing your own wealth above all other things. The roll was made when you first put on the Ring and again after every turn in which you lost a Fight. If you gave into the corruption (you could attempt to "save" with Fate and you could use Might to modify the roll) the player would have to start moving the model at full speed toward the nearest board edge. No other models will gain anything from their Stand Fast or Heroic Actions while they were under the influence of the Ring. If they were killed they Ring could be recovered by another model in the Fight (as any carried object). If they reached the board edge they were a casualty and it had impact on the rest of the scenarios for that player.

I also feel that the three Elf Rings (and the One Ring for sure) should have more effect than they do. The Fate or invisibility benefit is pretty minor considering the power of these Rings. But that's a different issue.

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 Post subject: Re: Rings of Power
PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:08 pm 
Elven Elder
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I think the fate fits pretty well with the Elven rings, considering that they were used more for healing than anything. I would support a re-roll for spell casting though, it would fit perfectly with the overall theme of them. It would also make Gandalf and Galadriel insanely powerful, considering their free pt of will, but they're supposed to be. The One Ring fits though, considering only Hobbits and Isildur can use the invisibility power.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
If you're in the Raleigh, NC area, let me know.
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 Post subject: Re: Rings of Power
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:26 pm 
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I like those rules Beowulf, if you have more scenario info I'm sure everyone would enjoy it :)
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