I think bows need this
They do but. +/- is not the way to do it . The in the way test is a much better way of handling shooting than +/- The -1 for movement needs to go too.
Silly/inane example to Illustrate point follows.
Elves always get +1
Large targets are +1 unless they are in my army.
Targets in close range should get a +1 unless the target is in charge range then it should be-1 except on Tuesday or if the target is painted red.
Targets in my army are always -1 unless they are painted red.
Red targets are easy to see they are +1 expect in charge range then they are -2 unless it is dark.
A large red troll in my army is the target of an elf. He is in close range it is dark. Roll then add
+1 because the shooter is an elf
+1 for short range
+1 for large target
-1 the target is in my army
-2 red unit in charge range
-1 it is dark
+1 elves can see in the dark
= 0
See that was easy unless it is Tuesday or you are going to throw hammerers verse axes.
On Tuesday you left your bow on the bus unless you take the train. If you drive you can get the bow out of the trunk and use it unless it is raining.

Do you remember Starfleet battles? Hundreds of pages of exceptions were added to a pocket game. It became unplayable. Look what GW has done to WH40K.
Some one at GW does not think shooting is fun. I don't agree.