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 Post subject: Shadow of Mordor SBG - sourcebook
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:16 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:57 pm
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Build me an army worthy of Mordor

Fellow One Ringers, welcome to the Shadow of Mordor SBG.

As many of you know, not too long ago, Warner Brothers released the game called Shadow of Mordor. The game tells the tale of a Ranger named Talion who lost his family and his own life, but comes back to life by the help of Celebrimbor. They are out for revenge, and you, the gamer, will help them on their quest to find the men that killed Talion and his family throughout Mordor.

Personally I really enjoyed the game, although the story was a bit short and things might get a bit easy once you get all skills etc, I return to it every often if I want to spread fear amongst the Orcs.

I've seen some people converting their models to represent Talion himself and come up with houserules for him and/or other characters in the game (myself included).
That is why I decided that I wanted to create something bigger, to share the joy this game brought me with other people who didn't play it. That's when I thought of a boardgame based on our LotR SBG we all love and enjoy playing for years. Ofcourse, if I'd do this myself, it would take years to complete. For that reason, I call upon you, fellow (SBG)-gamers!

Did you enjoy the game itself, or do you just want to try something new to add to your games? Be sure to post it here and join me on creating a new 'rule'book for this game!

Who do we need?
Creating a source-/rulebook we'll need a crew, a team of people with their own specialism, but most of all motivation!

Character development
Are you interested in the characters in-game? Being it Talion or any of the orc captains? We need houserules for both! What skills does Talion get? Shall we use a 'level-up' technique that allows the player to gain a skill point for every captains/warchief Talion kills? How does the branding system work? When does a regular orc become a captain?

Terrain builders
Is your favourite part of the hobby to think of new ideas and terrain for your models to play on? Are you able to work with almost every product you find to create some wonderful terrain?

Is Mordor your main force to use? Why not share some pictures for our book to add some nicely painted figures to bring life into it. Or maybe you like to sculpt/reposition your models to give them each a unique look, be sure to share that experience!

Do you like to write little articles or help others who try create a painting guide for instance? Maybe you know a lot of the lore from Mordor, Celebrimbor ... why not put it in a little story to create a bit of history for those interested.

Once all the painting guides, articles and background writing is done, we'll need people who know how to use text editing programs such as MS Word to put it all together, make sure there are no grammar mistakes etc. For that, native-speakers of the English languages and people with text editing skills will be needed.

Once we got a basic ruleset, we need people to testplay and share their experience with us so no character will get over powered etc.


It might be useful for those who join to use skype to discuss articles, rules etc. It allows people who work in the same 'department' to help each other. Or maybe a call with all those involved to see how far we are, update each other and stuff like that.

Not everyone owns skype or a headset maybe, for that we shall create a Facebook group where we can upload our documents and aid each other.
Note that only people who join will be added to keep it professional and concentrate on the work we'll do.

One Ring
Of course we will give the other One Ringers a regular update on what we created thus far and see how they feel about certain things and maybe edit something. This is why only those who join shall enter the FB group. Any other input can be posted here.

This is a whole lot of information at once, I know and I apologize for that.
Yet, are you interested to join, be sure to post it here and send me a PM for further information and to let me know what you would like to do.
Please remember, there will be no deadlines or such things. Nor shall we gain any money for this. This is a project created because we enjoy our hobby and the Shadow of Mordor videogame. Nobody gets paid, nobody has to join. It is free and you do as much as you like and you join/leave when you like. We all got our own life to take care of.

Kind regards
Jorn - Eaothen-the-brave

My YouTube channel: [url][/url]
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 Post subject: Re: Shadow of Mordor SBG - sourcebook
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:58 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:05 am
Posts: 189
Having put 30 hours into Shadow of Mordor, I can sort of see how it could work, maybe take some influence from Battle Companies. Once something is playable i'm sure I can persuade one of the locals to test it with me :)

Best of luck,

"Dark have been my dreams of late."
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 Post subject: Re: Shadow of Mordor SBG - sourcebook
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:24 am 

Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:16 am
Posts: 9
I'm surely a bit late, reaching this, but I'd certainly be willing to test any rules that are created, or to fill any other role needed to bring this legend to fruition! Having finally completed the game just recently, I've drive enough for two--perhaps a Wraith, to aid me?--so I'd love to help. :D
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 Post subject: Re: Shadow of Mordor SBG - sourcebook
PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:04 am 
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Joined: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:28 am
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Why don't you wait till after the second game drops soonish then have more inspiration and following?

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Shadow of Mordor SBG - sourcebook
PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:21 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:11 am
Posts: 1
I would like to think in the same article, I want to make it any better.
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