Beowulf03809 wrote:
Legolas has a special rule in SBG that allows him to pick a specific target and I'm pretty sure that can be used to select the Mount vs. Rider as well. But otherwise you have to keep in mind what a moving, mounted target looks like. I think the 50/50 ( or 33/66 ) is a fine way to abstract that condition without added complexity.
As someone who used to teach archery quite frequently and still does do a fair amount of shooting with a bow, I would attest to the difficultly of hitting a target, moving or not, mounted or not (they're still trying to find the kids who went missing on a trail ride nearby

). This is especially true when a archer is shooting by instinct (the way they used to) and not with a sight. When the horse and rider are directly facing you from a longer distance, you have a fairly even chance of hitting either because what you see is roughly the same size in area. Now if they're perpendicular to you or closer, it could be argued that its far easier to hit the horse because its area now appears bigger. Then models who are spread out (skirmish formation) should have a bonus to defense against bows at long range because a single man running at 100 yards is harder to hit than one man in a rushing mob at 100 yards, and the list goes on and on. The rules that are in place for SBG shooting are complex enough to be 'realistic' without negating all the fun.
If you want 'realistic archery' go to the archery range for a while and shoot a bow with a 30lb draw, then a crossbow of equivalent draw strength. Then tell me the 100lb draw longbow is only Strength 3 while the crossbow is Strength 4, yet both have the same range and shoot at roughly the same pace of once per turn (5-6 seconds). Almost all medieval wargames have these kinds of flaws in them, but as Beowuld03809 said to modify them often creates imbalances and unnecessary complexity to a game is already quite enjoyable.
If anyone was disturbed by my comment above about shooting small children off horses with a bow, I should make it clear that I never did such a thing and in fact as a archery range safety officer I was responsible for preventing any such instances from occurring.
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