The One Ring

How do you kill a dragon with all upgrades?!!
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Author:  Theonekoolness [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  How do you kill a dragon with all upgrades?!!

My mate is getting a dragon in a couple of days, and I usually have a weekly fight with him. I'm usually looking forward to this ( :twisted: ) but not next week. I think he will put all the dragons upgrades (breath fire, wyrmtounge,fly) etc, with the dragon. It leaves him a small army, but mine will surelly be smaller when it's breathed upon (wood elves, defence 3 :x )
He's basically gonna smash me up if I don't think fast, and u guys r the experts. I have Elrond + Gil-Galad which I ally with my Wood Elf Captain (with 24 warriors). How can I beat them! Plz help!

Author:  General Haar [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

First, you should mention that a dragon can only purchase two upgrades- it says so right under his rulebook entry.

Two, if it has breathe fire, space your men out. Max your force out on bows and shoot. The more courage tests it has to take, the better. Or, since he'll have a small force, try and aim for weaker troops and try to break him.
Throwing weapons are also handy to have. Sure, the dragon will get in range to breathe fire and a good number of men may die. Then you surround him with throwing weapon-armed men and bowmen, and then let loose the barrage.

Here, I think you'd do better putting more points into troops than heroes.

Author:  joris267 [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

use aragron with anduril and gil galad, should be able to win the fights (gill galad F9) and kill him with anduril (4+)

Author:  Theonekoolness [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks . .

Thanks for the tips, I forgot the dragon could only have 2 upgrades, which makes life alot better. However everyones going on about courage tests. . . ???? why? It's just a courage test? Surely it doesn't effect will, does it? But Ah... Resistant to Magic.. is that what your thinking? Thanks for the tips though! I'm sure he'll fall to the bate of fly and breath fire - making him less and less defensive. Thanks

Author:  Theonekoolness [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Also:

Thanks for the point about the break. I think I'll use that tactic too. Besides.. courage four aint great! I've had Gil-Galad roll a 2 and a 1 many times (lucky he had defence 7).

Author:  AndrewTheLordOfTheRing [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

failed courage test-flee field. and it has the rule about taking a test after each wound

and you can use the will to boost the courage, and you also waste will using the dragon fire, so thats why its bad for the dragon

Author:  Azure Rathalos [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Also your elf bow are strength 3 so you can pepper it with arrows and when it gets to you, just surround it, if it loses a fight think how many attacks you'll get, I don't care how hard your scales are a bucket of attacks is going to hurt.

I've beaten a dragon with Gondor before, so don't fear because there's a good chance that it will leg it anyway!

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well oje thing that Y might want to consider are the Sentinels like their songs (a bout 3 sentinels ) can really make the dragon "immobilised" don't remember what was the songs name... :rofl:

And adding the Galadriel Lady of the Galadhirim will make the Dragon courage 3 and thus it will run off much quikcer :rofl:

Author:  Gorb@g [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Im not experienced about kicking dragon-ass, but if you add gandalf White stop the fire with blinding light, tranfix it and attacking it with Gandalf White and some warriors (with glamdring his strength is 5 :shock: ). Alternatively, you can add Treebeard and pray to god for luck :pray: ,
Good luck anyway :rofl:

Author:  wupwup [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

you could try using some of the elf sentinels. they have special abilities that let you move enemy models or force them to take courage tests. maybe this would work?

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

dragons arnt that hard. and the whole idea of uber heroing its ass just wont work (and if it does it wont be very benificial)

dragons are costly, and can only have two upgrades so theres going to be a pretty small force, so the simple answer is shoot it. however if it has tough hide (which with me would be a must) break the force, it is only C4 so will run eventualy.

and the wise thing to do would be not to aproach it, even without breath fire they are still pretty nasty.

if it has fly then the above idea is pants, if yor realy have to get close to it, warrior waste it. engage a single man at a time, shure they will probably die but better that than 5

Author:  General Haar [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Also, I should point out that the "Aragorn with Anduril + Gil-Galad" method for killing everything is so not doable. Not only for this, but for Sauron, Balrog, etc.
For starters, they weren't even alive at the same time. Allying won't work, either. Plus, that combination is 400+ points. That is a huge chunk of your force. Not to mention that your opponent could easily break combat off. And it seems to me that people find "Wounding on 4+" synonymous with "Auto-wounding." That's still only three attacks (Four with a spearman...), so about 1-2 would wound on average. You can easily do that with 400 points of bowmen, and you don't need to risk getting into combat. Anduril is a complete waste of points- Gimli, Durin, Gil-Galad, Balin w/ Durin's axe... A number of heroes and even units are S4 with +1 to wound, which against anything D6 or under means you wound on a 4+ anyway.

This isn't a jab at joris specifically, but a small rant on why you can't just "Anduril" your way through the big baddies. There are many more ways to defeat things than by bashing it in the face as hard as you can. By getting into a fight with it, you're playing against your strength and for his- the Dragon is a combat beast, but he takes up a lot of points. Trying to out-combat it by investing more points in heroes is a terrible way to go about things. His weakness is courage tests- play to that.

Author:  gaarew [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:12 am ]
Post subject: 

General Haar wrote:
There are many more ways to defeat things than by bashing it in the face as hard as you can.

You realise that you have just slandered my strategy for every table-top game I've ever played. Including Monopoly...


Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:21 am ]
Post subject: 

haha family monopoly memories

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