The One Ring

Poor Khand
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Author:  whafrog [ Thu May 07, 2009 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Poor Khand

Poor Khand, great looking models, under-powered profiles with little variety. So here are some options:

Khandish Wain Rider Points value: 90
A Wain Rider is a the champion of a Khandish King. A hero showered with favours and rewards, he looks down on sell-swords and the foot rabble he must travel with.

F/S S D A W C - M W F
5/4+ 4 6 2 2 5 3 1 2

Wargear: a Wain Rider carries a hand weapon, a bow, wears heavy armour and rides a Khandish Chariot.
Chieftain's Axe (Elven blade): 5 points

Special Rules:
Haughty Disdain: a Wain Rider's Standfast! only applies to other chariots and non-mercenary mounted troops. It never applies to Bladed Wains (see below), mercenaries or foot soldiers of any kind.

Khandish Chariot Team Points value: 50
A chariot team consists of a driver and a warrior.

F/S S D A W C - M W F
4/4+ 3 4 2 2 3 1 0 0

Wargear: a Chariot Team carries a 2H axe, a bow, wears armour and rides a Khandish Chariot.

Special Rules:
Easy Rider: having a driver makes things easier for the warrior, hence the higher fight and 2 attacks. Having a warrior watch your back makes it easier for the driver to take initiative. The Might Point can only be used to make a Heroic Move. Roll a die 6. On a 4+ the Might point is recovered.
Team Player: if the Chariot Team takes a wound, this represents either the driver or warrior being killed. Remove either model. From this point on the Chariot Team reverts to the profile of a normal Khandish Charioteer, and any unused Might is lost.
Not a Leader: this model has no Standfast!

Bladed Wain Points value: 25
A Bladed Wain consists of a single Khandish Warrior steering a poorly made chariot with blades affixed to its wheels. It is a single-use point-and-shoot weapon.

3/4+ 3 4 1 1 3

Wargear: the rider in a Bladed Wain carries a 2H axe, a bow, and wears armour.
Khandish Chariot. The Bladed Wain is the same as a basic chariot, except if it charges it must use the special rules below. For the purposes of being charged, a Bladed Wain is treated as a monstrous mount (ie: a charging enemy does not get extra attacks or knockdown).

Special Rules:
Slice and Dice: a Bladed Wain can not charge like normal cavalry or monstrous mounts. Its actions are more like a Mumak: point it in the right direction, let it go, and hope for the best. (Thanks to GW, I borrowed some language below.)
Rotate the Bladed Wain to point it in the direction you want it to go. If other models or terrain are in the way, unlike the Mumak they are not moved, and it can not be rotated. After the Bladed Wain has been rotated it may charge up to its full distance 10"/24cm in a straight line. If the Bladed Wain moves into contact with one or more models while charging it will slice them, automatically inflicting two Strength 6 hits on the model. Cavalry models (including monstrous mounts) suffer two hits per rider and two per mount.
If the model survives, the Bladed Wain is stopped. If the model is killed the Bladed Wain can continue to move up to its full distance. Once the Bladed Wain is stopped, or has moved its full distance, it is considered destroyed (or the horses have fled) and it is removed from the battlefield.
Jump!: The rider of the Bladed Wain can not make any attacks while the wain is charging, and must jump out at any time before the wain is stopped (or destroyed at the end of its move) to avoid being killed outright. The rider is deployed anywhere along the rear half of the chariot at the point he decides to jump. Jumping out requires rolling on the Throw Rider chart (OR, page 49) with a -1 penalty.

Any C&C welcome!

Author:  Gondolin [ Thu May 07, 2009 1:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Bladed Wain doesn't have rules to move without the rule of the Mumak yet. Maybe you should add that too. I would also give him a higher defence, an arrow is able to kill it very fast. And the rider still has cover from the Wain.

When the Bladed Wain is destroyed, the rider should be removed as a casualty too. Now it isn't clear where should be deployed when leaving the Wain.

For the rest it looks great! Maybe he should cost a little more points, but I am not sure about that.

Author:  Hallpers [ Thu May 07, 2009 1:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep, they look great, except what Gondolin said 8)

Author:  goblin_king [ Thu May 07, 2009 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

The problem is that Variags are quite unspoken about anyway. There are no major heroes to sing about from Tolkiens work...

With the Easterlings, Haradrim and other southrons, they make a very exciting force.

Your rules are excellent though, great ideas without the need to make up named characters.

What about the Mahud? They lack options... Or the Corsairs...
I reckon it's because the aim is to have a mish-mash of characters and troops from the southern reaches of Middle-Earth! :)

Author:  whafrog [ Thu May 07, 2009 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gondolin wrote:
The Bladed Wain doesn't have rules to move without the rule of the Mumak yet. Maybe you should add that too. I would also give him a higher defence, an arrow is able to kill it very fast. And the rider still has cover from the Wain.

The Bladed Wain is a normal chariot in most respects. It moves like a normal chariot, except when it charges. It can not charge otherwise. The rider has the same defense as a normal charioteer...yeah, I would have liked the normal charioteer to have more armour too, but both get an "in the way" roll from the chariot.

When the Bladed Wain is destroyed, the rider should be removed as a casualty too. Now it isn't clear where should be deployed when leaving the Wain.

He's deployed at any point along the path of charging, but must be deployed before the wain is stopped (and destroyed), or reaches the end of its charge (and is destroyed). Thanks for the input, I've updated the description.

For the rest it looks great! Maybe he should cost a little more points, but I am not sure about that.

Yeah, I struggled with the cost too. It's a one shot, so can't be too expensive.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu May 07, 2009 5:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am not keen on any of these GW minis and have resorted to Ebob's superb Tribes of the East: Mongols as a substitute - they do not have wains/chariots but that is no inconvenience for me.

Author:  Locust Scar [ Thu May 07, 2009 11:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

goblin_king wrote:
The problem is that Variags are quite unspoken about anyway. There are no major heroes to sing about from Tolkiens work...

Well, there is a new named hero coming out for Khand: Keiseimu, Ravager of Ithilien. :twisted:

These profiles are great! I honestly can;t find anything wrong with them. Good work! 8)

Author:  gaarew [ Fri May 08, 2009 6:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Locust Scar wrote:

Well, there is a new named hero coming out for Khand: Keiseimu, Ravager of Ithilien. :twisted:

Hardly a 'new' Hero. He has been in LoMe for 3 years...

Author:  goblin_king [ Fri May 08, 2009 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Aye, but I am sure his STATS haven't been in LOME for 3 years.

Pedant! :P

Kinda annoying, I really don't like it when they make up characters. Would be better if they made some kind of 'character creation' set of rules for the SBG, allowing you to create your own named characters with their own skills (i.e. magical, fast, inspiring etc)...

Would work well for races with no real named characters...

Author:  gaarew [ Fri May 08, 2009 8:23 am ]
Post subject: 

goblin_king wrote:
Aye, but I am sure his STATS haven't been in LOME for 3 years.

Pedant! :P

Have anybodies?


Author:  goblin_king [ Fri May 08, 2009 8:27 am ]
Post subject: 


lol mate.

Yeah Khand grr!

I'd probably get that character anyway. lol

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