The One Ring

Some Fiefdom house profiles
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Author:  Hirumith, the Grey Knight [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Some Fiefdom house profiles

Howdy folks.

Inspired by Highlordell's work on expanding the Morthond Vale armies, and because I got a bunch of new figures for converting, I was bit by the houserule bug again and wrote up a couple of fiefdoms characters. Hope you like 'em!

I didn't really bother with too many troops, since I think for the most part the profiles in US WD 300 are sufficient.


Hirluin The Fair is the prince of Pinnath Gelin, known as the Green Hills of Gondor. Although one of the wealthiest of Gondor's provinces, the soldiery of Pinnath Gelin have seen little combat. Nonetheless, Hirluin marched them to Minas Tirith to battle the hordes of Mordor, where he met his end in defense of the White City.

Hirluin The Fair - 70
F/S S D A W C - M/W/F
4/4 4 7 2 2 5 - 2/2/*

Hirluin the Fair wears heavy armor and carries a spear and shield. He may ride a horse for 10 points, or an armored horse for 15 points.

Special Rules
Before he fell defending the gates of Minas Tirith, Hirluin had dreamt of his own doom, but marched to the city's defense nonetheless. To represent these dreams, before each battle roll a die. On a roll of 1, Hirluin has no Fate for the battle. On a roll of 2-3, Hirluin begins the game with 1 Fate. On a roll of 4-5, Hirluin begins with 2 Fate, and on a roll of 6 Hirluin begins the game with 3 fate.


Dervorin is the prince of Ringlo Vale, a fiefdom with exceptionally close ties to Dol Amroth and Prince Imrahil. When the beacons of Gondor are lit, Dervorin answers her call with 300 men.

Dervorin - 55
F/S S D A W C - M/W/F
4/4 4 6 2 2 3 - 3/1/1

Dervorin wears armor and carries a sword and shield.

Special Rules
Warrior Bond. Dervorin recieves a +2 bonus to his courage as long as Prince Imrahil or any other heroes of Dol Amroth are present in the same force. Additionally, as long as Dervorin is alive he and all Ringlo Vale captains and warriors benefit from Prince Imrahil's "Dol Amroth for Gondor!" special rule as though they were men of Dol Amroth.


Captain of Pinnath Gelin - 50
F/S S D A W C - M/W/F
3/4 4 7 2 2 4 - 2/1/1

A captain of Pinnath Gelin wears heavy armor and carries a sword and shield. He may replace his sword with a spear for 5 points. He may ride a horse for 10 points, or an armored horse for 15 points.


Captain of Ringlo Vale - 50
F/S S D A W C - M/W/F
4/4 4 7 2 2 3 - 2/1/1

A captain of Ringlo Vale wears armor and carries a sword and shield. He may replace his sword with a spear for 5 points.

Special Rules
Warrior Bond. A captain of Ringlo Vale recieves +2 to his Courage as long as Prince Imrahil or any other heroes of Dol Amroth are present in the same force.


Drafted from the sons noble houses of Pinnath Gelin, the Green Knights ride to battle in some of the finest armor and livery available in all Middle Earth.

Green Knights of Pinnath Gelin - ??
2/4 3 6 1 1 3

WargearThe Green Knights of Pinnath Gelin wear heavy armor and carry lances and shields. They ride on armored steeds. Up to one knight per hero of Pinnath Gelin in the same force may carry a banner for 35 points.

I put "??" for their point value because I don't have my book handy, and so can't determine their cost relative to a knight of Minas Tirith. Trading a normal steed for an armored one, but losing one point of fight, ought to even out perfectly to the same cost.


Being a coastal province, the men of the Langstrand are not skilled combatants, but have learned to wield a bow better than most in Gondor due to their need to defend their ships. A merchant crew will often be accompanied by at least one boatswain should they encounter trouble on their journey.

Boatswain of Anfalas - not sure, 15ish?
F S D A W C - M/W/F
2/3+ 3 4 1 1 4 - 1/1/1

An Anfalas Boatswain wears armor and carries a longbow and hand weapon.

Special Rules.
Rapid Fire. Years of patrolling the seas and fending off corsairs have led most officers in the fleet to attain great skill with a bow. If a boatswain does not move in the movement phase, he may shoot his bow twice.
Inspiring Command. When a confrontation arises, command of the ship's crew falls to the military officers aboard. So commanding is their presence, that all friendly models treat boatswains as a banner if they are on a ship or other sea-going vessel.


Also, as a house rule, I add the option to carry a banner (for 25 points) to warriors of Pinnath Gelin and Wardens of Pelargir, and for Warriors of Pinnath Gelin to exchange their spear and shield for a long bow at no additional cost.

conversions of Hirluin and Dervorin are all done and ready to be painted, and infantry/captain conversions for each should be coming not too far behind. For the Green Knights, I'd probably just do knights of minas tirith with rohan heads, but I'll probably GS cloaks onto them as well.

Not sure what to do for the Anfalas boatswains, open to any ideas!

Author:  General Elessar [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I liked Hirluin the fair best, his special rule is very interesting.

Can we see some photos of the models?

Author:  spuds4ever [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

The boatswains are under-priced IMO, I would increase their price 25pts.

Author:  Highlordell [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I second that the Boatswains costs need to be increased, he has good special rules and functions like a banner aswell; banner cost anywhere between 25-35 points for units, with this in mind I would say he should be about 25-35 points (compare his profile to that of a Corsair Bo'sun, and you will see this cost is about fair).

I love your profiles; you've done well to improve GW's existing ones and added some more characters aswell. As for my Blackroot Vale boys... GW made such a mess-up on the stats I've abandoned it, but thanks for crediting me anyway, perhaps you can do better. :)

Author:  Hirumith, the Grey Knight [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the input! I was totally at a loss for the boatswain, I'll bump him to 25 though. I didn't want to charge him too much for the "banner" effect, since it only kicks in on a boat, but especially having taken a look at the corsair bosun I can see what you mean.

Highlordell - I totally agree, the SBG stuff for Blackroot Vale was quite a let-down. Even so, I thought you did good work with Duinhir's sons and the Erech Guard! I think you should keep 'em around even if just for fun.

I'll post photos of the painted minis once I get them done, I'll go ahead and put the unpainted versions up for now though. I have a couple other projects that I need to tackle first (commission stuff for another game system), but I'm itching to paint those two so hopefully not too long!

Author:  Highlordell [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, I guess I'll not forget totally about my house rules then, but I'm not going to do anything much with them at the moment.

Other than that I guess I'll just wait for some pictures! :D

Author:  Mor-galad of Greenwood [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:03 am ]
Post subject: 

What about modifying some ruffians for your Anfalas bo'sun?

They have a couple of archer sculpts that, with a little work, could be made to look like seafarers.

Author:  Hirumith, the Grey Knight [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:55 am ]
Post subject: 

That's not a bad idea! I may try to get my hands on a ruffian or two and pull that conversion off.

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