The One Ring

The Third Age profiles
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Author:  thewhitehand [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  The Third Age profiles

Hi :)
I've decided to make some profiles for the characters in The Third Age video game, basing them on the ones in mine. I've got Berethor first:

Berethor : 105pts
6 / - 4 3 3 3 6 3 0 3

Equipment :
Ancient Numenorian Armour 5pts (counts as heavy armour)
2nd Age Long Sword of Kings 40pts (add +1 to rolls to wound)
Gondorian Shield of the White Tree 25pts (enemies attempting to
wound Berethor must roll one above the normal eg. 6 for a 5, 6/4
for a 6)
Elven Ring of the Golden Wood 15pts (add +1 to fate rolls)

Special Rules :
Immune To Fear : Berethor does not have to take courage
tests when charging terrifying models.

So what do you think? Is it fair for the points?

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

seems O.K

I usually name a Minas Tirith Cap. Berethor when used... :rofl:

Author:  Hirumith, the Grey Knight [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:02 am ]
Post subject: 

I would say he's fair for the points, but there are still a few changes I would make.

For starters, he should probably be Defense 4 since most heroes have a defense of 4 as their default.

The Numenorean armor should be 10 points, since it's just heavy armor and heavy armor costs 10 points for any other hero.

Lastly, just for completeness and clarity you should list his default equipment (looks like it's just a hand weapon). You might also consider giving him some more equipment options, like a normal shield if he doesn't want to take the special item.

Overall, though, he looks good! Definitely a powerhouse - fitting for the character.

Author:  thewhitehand [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

okay so how about this:

Berethor : 110pts
6 / - 4 4 3 3 6 3 0 3

Berethor has a standard Gondorian soldier issued sword(hand weapon)
He may purchase additional equipment at the following points cost.
Additional Equipment :
Travel worn Gondorian round shield 5pts
Ancient Numenorian Armour 10pts (counts as heavy armour)
2nd Age Long Sword of Kings 40pts (add +1 to rolls to wound)
Gondorian Shield of the White Tree 25pts (enemies attempting to
wound Berethor must roll one above the normal eg. 6 for a 5, 6/4
for a 6)
Elven Ring of the Golden Wood 15pts (add +1 to fate rolls)

Special Rules :
Immune To Fear : Berethor does not have to take courage
tests when charging terrifying models.

He has no will because of the Morgul Blade in his shoulder.
I was thinking of using the Cirion model or perhaps converting an osgiliath veteran or captain of minas tirith. And what plastic box would be the best for practising converting: WoMT, Rangers, Orcs or Uruk-Hai? Whichever one, I'd be trying for a kind of battle-worn veteran look.
Thanks :)

Author:  Highlordell [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks very nice to me... I think a Boromir + Cirion conversion might be a good idea.

Author:  Hirumith, the Grey Knight [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Since the character's head is modelled very closely after Boromir, it seems, I would suggest at least using Boromir's head if you have a spare. As for the rest of the body, I would recommend an Osgiliath Veteran, or maybe Cirion. If you go with an Osgiliath veteran's body, I would add a cape to him so that he stands out a bit, though.

Of the boxes you listed, I think Warriors of Minas Tirith would be the best group for a Berethor conversion, just because none of the others have the right look.

However, in my opinion orcs are the easiest to convert out of those 4.

Author:  thewhitehand [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

well here's Elegost and Idrial:

Elegost : 90pts

F/S S D A W C M / W / F
6/3+ 4 5 2 2 6 3 2 3

Equipment :
Elegost carries a sword(hand weapon) and a bow. He also has sturdy leather armour.

Additional Equipment :
Dunedain Wool Captains Cloak (elven cloak) 10pts
Dunedain Scale-Mail Hauberk (Heavy Armour) 10pts
2nd Age Numenorian Longbow (Elf Bow) 10pts
2nd Age Rivendell Brooch of Sanctuary
(allows Elegost to fire 3 times) 20pts
Cracked Elfstone of Accuracy Enhancement (Shoot Value 2+) 15pts

Special Rule :
Woodland Creature

Idrial :

F/S S D A W C M / W / F
6/- 4 3 2 2 6 3 4 3

Equipment : Idrial carries an Elven Blade

Additional Equipment :
Elven Cloak 10pts
2nd Age Elven Mithril Chestplate (Heavy Armour) 10pts
2nd Age Rivendell Pendant of Sanctuary (1 free will point per turn) 30pts
Ancient Elfstone of the Valar (Re-roll Fate points) 15pts

Special Rules :
Woodland Creature

Magical Powers :
Natures Wrath 3+
Power of the Valar ( same as renew) 3+
Aura of the Valar (When Idrial is reduced to 0 wounds, on the roll of a 2+ she is revived with 1 wound) 5+
Loudwater Fury (Range 12''. On a 3+, the target model suffers 3 strength 5 hits, and every model within 3'' of the target model suffers 2 strength 3 hits) 4+

So what do you think?

Author:  Hirumith, the Grey Knight [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:36 pm ]
Post subject: 


For starters, I would knock his base point value down a bit. Compare him with Legolas - very similar stats but without the amazing special rule. Maybe 80 or so.

Being a ranger, and since he never really wears any especially heavy armor in the game, I don't really think Elegost should have the option for heavy armor (however, that's not to say it's unbalanced, just not thematic in my opinion).

Also, I would simply strike the "Cracked Elfstone Accuracy Enhancement" off of his wargear list altogether. As you have him written, +2 to his Shoot value will give him a shoot value of 1+. Since there aren't any negative modifiers, only in-the-way rolls, this means that (along with the Rivendell Brooch) he could be getting 3 automatic hits per turn. Personally, I would also drop the Brooch to 2 shots per turn rather than 3 (since, even though he's definitely a skilled archer, I don't think he would come close to Legolas's skill).


Both of your new spells have a second conditional roll - personally I would do away with that and just increase the difficulty of the spell by 1. So for instance, make loudwater fury difficulty 5+ instead of difficulty 4+ and then having to roll a 3+.

Loudwater Fury seems a tad too good. Since the primary target is taking a whopping 3 hits, I would drop the strength of those hits to just 4. I would also have other models within 3" suffer just 1 strength 3 hit, instead of 2.

For Aura of the Valar, instead of the 5+ difficulty and then a second roll of 2+ to make the spell work, I would just make it a special rule (rather than a spell) and say something like "When Idrial loses her last wound, and it is not saved by Fate, she may sacrifice any combination of 3 points of Might, Will, or Fate to ignore the wound. She may not use her free Will for this purpose, if she is wearing an Elven ring.

Just my 0.02, hope it helps!

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