No, they'd also have to roll courage for terror. If there is a Mahud Tribesmaster or King in combat within 12" they automatically pass and punch Elrond in the nose.
I think I see what you are saying, here ... it's in the interpretation of the sentence:
Any Mahûd Warrior model will automatically pass its Courage test if there is a Tribesmaster or Mahûd King in combat within 12”.
You are reading this sentence as: " pass its Courage Test = Any Courage Test the model needs to take (including charging a terrifying enemy)"; where I'm reading it as: "pass its Courage Test = Broken Army Courage Test the model needs to take before it can move (not including any other Courage Tests)". I'm basing my interpretation off of the fact that the prevoius sentence is talking about "Stand Fast!" and per pg 35 of the ORB, a "Stand Fast!" courage test ONLY applies to broken status of an army - not other courage tests.
My only concern about the "all Courage Tests the model needs to take" interpretation is that it makes terror causing models useless against a horde of 2 Attack/Spear Supported (so 3 attack) waves of warriors.
As for the "strict order" - I will concede, I was only giving the example where I would be trying to take advantage of the WP rule as much as possible (and not the other tactical options); so thanks on that clarification.

Also, as Draugluin said, you have to test for each model before it is moved, and then move them before testing someone else. It's one at a time. This has tactical implications because you won't know if the guy next to you is going to follow you into battle, or run away screaming...you will only know after you've moved if you can trap that troll. If you test everybody first you have more global knowledge of the battlefield as a snapshot in time, which kind of goes against the skirmishy nature of the game.
The only issue I have with this is that you make it sound like you do not have to test Broken Courage for models that do not intend to move - which is not the case if they are not engaged in combat.
Like I said, I understand your interpretation and where it comes from - and
this is how we have come to interpret it