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 Post subject: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:53 pm 

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I know this question must seem boring to some people on the one ring , and I've read a few threads about it, but I just don't understand the reason why the grey company can have 100% bow limit, please could someone explain this for me or tell me which pages to look at . I've only just started playing SBG so keep it simple for me .
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:21 pm 
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in order for the grey company to have 100% bow limit you have to have a dunedain or a ranger of the north for every 3-4 rangers of arnor, easy as that

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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:25 pm 
Elven Elder
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A typical GC list will look like this

12 Rangers of Arnor

12 Rangers of Arnor

6 x Ranger of the North

GW really screwed them over in the update because they made it so the RoN or dunedain couldnt lead warbands and the only other heroes are all 65pts plus. Harad have it much better with the 50% bow limit on certain troops.

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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:27 pm 
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Also, if you're playing LoME games, you don't need a major hero to lead them because Dunedain and Rangers of the North are normal heroes. But if you're playing by the new warband rules, you need a hero (e.g.: Halbarad) to lead your warband, because Dunedain and Rangers of the North are Independent Heroes, and are essentially each their own warband.
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:37 pm 
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Is it possible to explain this again? I cant understand the reasoning as to why the rangers allow a 100% bow limit. Sorry if im being really dumb but i just dont get it!!
Im new to S.B.G too btw.

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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:14 pm 
Elven Elder
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I'm gonna take a resonable guess and say you dont have the new sourcebooks.

Basically, for the Arnor list to take 100% bows you MUST take 1 Ranger of the North (RoN)/ Dunedain per 4 Rangers of Arnor (RoA).
However, RoN/ Dunedain cannot lead warbands
Therefore you must take either Arvedui, Malbeth, Halbarad, Arathorn, Elf Twins, Strider or Cptn of Anor to lead warbands.
Most of these heros are at least 70pts so having to take 2 of these guys restricts the amount of RoN and RoA you can have.

At the end of the day, they can have 100% bows because the book says they can.

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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:34 pm 

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So something like this would work?

12x Rangers of Arnor

Elladan & Elrohir
8x Rangers of Arnor

5x Dunedain

-I'm also new to the game
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:40 pm 
Elven Elder
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boromir_of_ithilien wrote:
So something like this would work?

12x Rangers of Arnor

Elladan & Elrohir
8x Rangers of Arnor

5x Dunedain

-I'm also new to the game

Yes. 8)

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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:38 pm 
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SouthernDunedain wrote:

At the end of the day, they can have 100% bows because the book says they can.

I have the book I just cant find where it says they can have 100% bows.

Veni Vidi Vici
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:04 pm 
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They don't use the words "100%", but the info can be found on page 36 of the new Kingdoms of Men book, or page 25 of the old Ruins of Arnor book.
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:19 pm 

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Thanks everyone for your quick and simple response :yay:
Ive found the part on p36 now , which i didnt see before hence the reason for the confusion,stormcrow Ill lend you my book at our next battle dont think its in the main rule book.
just a side point , does anyone ever play this army is it any good? it doesnt look good at defending.
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:16 pm 
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D0Cdeath wrote:
just a side point , does anyone ever play this army is it any good? it doesnt look good at defending.

I haven't tried it in the new warband book, but the LoME GC was broken. The only time I'd use them was with allies who took no bows. Hard to tell, but it looks like they may have "over-corrected".
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:09 pm 
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whafrog wrote:
D0Cdeath wrote:
just a side point , does anyone ever play this army is it any good? it doesnt look good at defending.

I haven't tried it in the new warband book, but the LoME GC was broken. The only time I'd use them was with allies who took no bows. Hard to tell, but it looks like they may have "over-corrected".

They need unnamed cheap Heroes capable of leading a Warband - other than the Captains of Arnor, which can be used in a Grey Company list as far as I can tell but aren't thematic. That requires either removing Independant status from Dunedain/Rangers of the North thus allowing them to lead Warbands; or introducing a Generic unnamed Ranger Captain around the 50pt mark.


Dunedain Captain. 50pts.

F 4 S 4 A 2 W 2 C 4 Might 2 Will 2 Fate 1.

Equipment: Armour, bow.

Can purchase:
- Spear for 1pt.
- Heavy Armour for 5pts.
- Horse for 10pts.

(Using a Captain of Minas Tirith as a standard).

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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:45 am 
Elven Elder
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whafrog wrote:
D0Cdeath wrote:
just a side point , does anyone ever play this army is it any good? it doesnt look good at defending.

I haven't tried it in the new warband book, but the LoME GC was broken. The only time I'd use them was with allies who took no bows. Hard to tell, but it looks like they may have "over-corrected".

I use it a fair bit (hence the name). It does average, all the bows are handy but you dont get much chance to shoot them, they do alright in combat vs stuff that they are better than eg, goblins, orcs but I find they struggle against uruks or elite troops. Because of the compulsory expensive heroes, you find yourself outnumbered even be elite forces.

Yes, they have been very much 'over- corrected'.

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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:26 am 

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I have a few questions.

Who are the "Grey Company" we are talking about? Are they the Rangers of Middle-Earth like on pages 24-31 on the Ruin of Arnor sourcebook? Or are they GW's product: Can normal Rangers of Middle-Earth act like the Grey Company just like how they can be Rangers of Arnor or Gondor?
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:44 am 

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You can buy the grey company from games workshop but their expensive 3 for £8:30 I think. I bought just one pack along with one pack of rangers from the north and halbarad . The rest are just normal rangers paint like grey company.
Southern Dundedain just wondered what your standard army is and your tactics?. I've played the GC once they did really good for a while shooting moving back shooting but eventually I ran out of board and the morannans killed them pretty quickly :sad:
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:38 pm 
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boromir_of_ithilien wrote:
Who are the "Grey Company" we are talking about? Are they the Rangers of Middle-Earth like on pages 24-31 on the Ruin of Arnor sourcebook? Or are they GW's product: Can normal Rangers of Middle-Earth act like the Grey Company just like how they can be Rangers of Arnor or Gondor?

The ones in the Ruins of Arnor book. Grey Company is the faction which is comprised of Aragorn, Halbarad, Arathorn, the Twins, Rangers of the North, Dunedain, and the Rangers of Arnor. The new books make the distinction a little blurrier, but yes, Rangers of Middle-Earth can be used anywhere you need normal Ranger warriors.

The Grey Company models I believe had identical stats to Rangers of the North and could be used in their place.
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:53 pm 
Elven Elder
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D0Cdeath wrote:
You can buy the grey company from games workshop but their expensive 3 for £8:30 I think. I bought just one pack along with one pack of rangers from the north and halbarad . The rest are just normal rangers paint like grey company.
Southern Dundedain just wondered what your standard army is and your tactics?. I've played the GC once they did really good for a while shooting moving back shooting but eventually I ran out of board and the morannans killed them pretty quickly :sad:

I usually deploy as far back as possible, normally 12-18" away, then shoot until I can charge. My rangers always seem to kill things when they go running in. I tend to send Arathorn and Halbarad on hero killing missions (arathorn is a beast btw, just dont get him shot.)

Malbeth is (on paper) quite good for a ranger army. Gives every model with 6" a 5+ fate save but I havent had chance to use him yet.

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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:25 pm 

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whafrog wrote:
The ones in the Ruins of Arnor book. Grey Company is the faction which is comprised of Aragorn, Halbarad, Arathorn, the Twins, Rangers of the North, Dunedain, and the Rangers of Arnor. The new books make the distinction a little blurrier, but yes, Rangers of Middle-Earth can be used anywhere you need normal Ranger warriors.

The Grey Company models I believe had identical stats to Rangers of the North and could be used in their place.

So if I could always choose to use some Rangers of Middle-Earth as the Grey Company in Games Workshop or at any tournaments and it would still be okay?
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 Post subject: Re: Grey company and bow limit
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:36 pm 
Elven Elder
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boromir_of_ithilien wrote:
whafrog wrote:
The ones in the Ruins of Arnor book. Grey Company is the faction which is comprised of Aragorn, Halbarad, Arathorn, the Twins, Rangers of the North, Dunedain, and the Rangers of Arnor. The new books make the distinction a little blurrier, but yes, Rangers of Middle-Earth can be used anywhere you need normal Ranger warriors.

The Grey Company models I believe had identical stats to Rangers of the North and could be used in their place.

So if I could always choose to use some Rangers of Middle-Earth as the Grey Company in Games Workshop or at any tournaments and it would still be okay?

:roll: possibly. I'd say no because the RoN/ Grey Company models look different to the rangers of middle earth models - more armoured. If you was doing an entire army then i reckon you would have to buy the metal versions so they look different. Otherwise it could get confusing for your opponent.

Ranger of the North

Rangers of Middle Earth

Grey Company

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