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 Post subject: Mirkwood Guard
PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:50 pm 
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I know this is going to be a bit of a hazy message, but I’m trying to avoid crossing lines of what we’re allowed to post so bear with me.

I took a look at the Free Peoples book better yesterday to start adapting my Mirkwood Elves force. Thankfully it doesn’t look like much changed for me there but there are a couple questions I came away with. If anyone could please give some “Yes/No” responses to these I’d appreciate it.

1. Basic WE warriors have not changed in stats or points from the FotN version if I was remembering correctly, right?

2. Thranduil looks identical in price and stats except he gained one new “use once” magic power and also the ability to upgrade any number of WEs to Guards. My understanding is that the upgrades aren’t limited to those in his own Warband but wanted to confirm (ie he can upgrade a couple in his, a couple in Legolas’s, etc.).

3. As for the upgrade it’s a nice concept but in reality it’s just a one pip increase in the ranged Fight value, right? It seemed the listed melee F was the same. I wouldn’t expect a single value increase to cost 2pts but maybe I’m missing something.

If all three are correct then I’d also appreciate some opinions as well.

Though it’s an attractive option, I’m not sure if it’s really worth it for 2pts. I’m thinking if it is used, then the best would be to combine with WEs using daggers. With the new deployment rules you’re not as likely to get many turns of heavy shooting in advance of closure so spending those points to upgrade a large number of archers doesn’t seem as valuable (besides, every four upgraded would buy another archer). But with the ability to improve throwing daggers by roughly 17% it is looking more attractive. But I’m just not sure it’s worth the extra couple points. Just upgrading four would let you get an additional model on the table, or equip eight models with Spears (WE Spears are without doubt effective).

I typically arm some WEs with Elf Blades and TDs as my the ‘charge in’ force. With a 50% hit rate and the fact that they hit as well as the WEs do in melee anyway I have found them pretty effective if you don’t go overboard. My WEs with Spear usually don’t get to use their daggers as much so I don’t bother spending the points there ( I do play Spear/Bow combos sometimes though).

So…has anyone played with or against the Mirkwood Guard and can provide some opinions from that perspective?


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 Post subject: Re: Mirkwood Guard
PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:17 pm 
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Your three points are correct.

I don't have any practical experience with them, but I have the same reservations...on paper, 2 points for a slightly better shoot doesn't seem worth it. I'd rather ally in Gildor and get the extra movement.
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 Post subject: Re: Mirkwood Guard
PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:20 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I dont think its worth the pts
The bows upgrade... no point really unless I have spare points and full bow capacity. Even then I would rather add sentinels rather than upgrading to MW
It just ins't cost effective. Now if it was 1pt it would be a no brainer.
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 Post subject: Re: Mirkwood Guard
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:25 am 
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Agreed. At first I was thinking it was both a melee and ranged increase but realized after a few minutes it wasn't. As a player with a lot of WE experience behind me I would only pay 2pts for a +1 shoot AND a +1 Def. I just wanted to see if I was missing something otherwise and get some other opinions.

Thanks for the comments so far and I welcome more!

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 Post subject: Re: Mirkwood Guard
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:29 am 
Elven Warrior
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I believe someone calculated that the upgrade was not statistically worth it in another thread. I can't remember which website it was on though. Anyway I imagine having more points for equipment such as spears and throwing daggers or even more bodies would be more useful. I can't give too much information though as I play primarily galadhrim with wood elf allies occasionally. Just my 2¢

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 Post subject: Re: Mirkwood Guard
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:01 pm 
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It's still a valid point...I usually play Mirkwood with Galadrim allies on occasion, so we're even. :-) (Galadriel's guard).

In most games unit upgrades are either not worth it or else over powered. It's hard to find a balance. This is a very similar situation that GW gave us with the WotR unit upgrade that improved the shoot value of a Formation. In practice you only ended up getting a couple extra dice while for the same points you could add an additional Company and have potentially 8 more dice.

I do like the idea of the faster Elves with Gildor's upgrade. A key to Wood Elf success in melee is picking your fights and managing ZoC. When I've played against Goblins and the occasional Dwarf I've found life much easier simply for the mobility difference. To have something similar for a segment of my force even against Orcs or Mannish races could be very good. My understanding of the new army design is that I could bring him in as an ally but don't need to include any thing else from his list, right? He would basically be an independent Warband for deployment purposes?

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 Post subject: Re: Mirkwood Guard
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:47 pm 
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You don't have to bring any troops with a hero, but if you've filled out all your other warbands you might as well give him some troops.
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 Post subject: Re: Mirkwood Guard
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:54 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Which will mostlikely happen unless you do stormelves. Plus some staying power could be nice in the form of a high elf spear wall.

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