The One Ring

Easy Ways to Kill A Mumakil!
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Author:  Grizmorg [ Sat Nov 13, 2004 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Easy Ways to Kill A Mumakil!

as you know the mumakil is one of the strongest most formidable creatures in the game.. few good characters can match its strength. me and my friend have tested the best ways to kill it...
TACTIC : the mumak is coming towards your men.. it has to move a full 20 cm in ONE direction.. place in front of it (making sure that the king of the dead is closer than 14cm) a strong hero with high fight value (aragorn, imrahil, gandlaf) who will almost definetly not die from the trample. once it fails to trample the hero it is your movement phase, charge the king of the dead in.. its courage 3 is now its defence... make sure to win the fight with the heros high fight value! mumak has only got 4/- fightvalue.. when you win the fight wound it with the king of the dead once and it is finished (king of the deads special rule DRAIN SOUL) all the harad come crashing down upon a smoten mumak.. hope you find this tactic useful.. post replys with some of your own.. :P

Author:  Wymarc [ Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

good, But 1 problem. the king of the dead is always what i target with my 12 haradrahim bowmen with poisened arrows... Also, with aragorn and the king, what else can you have in a 500pt army? and what if the mumak ignores aragorn and goes elsewere as it should?

Author:  Grimboldofeastfold [ Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

in answer to the poll- i collect both

sounds good, but i prefer good old fashioned bucketloads of archers shooting down the cheiftan/mahud, followed by 1 round at the beast itself.
This should hopefully make it stampede and leave a lot of haradrim flavour jam behind it
but i think ill try your idea coz it sounds good 8)

Author:  Grizmorg [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wymarc, firstly start playing with some bigger numbers. me and my friends play on avaerage each match with 1300pt to 2000pt. secondly, if you are the good player and you lose priority. you have the trap set with aragorn as bait and he starts turning another way call a heroic move ( 1 free might a turn ) and hold him down till they get there.. as for your 12 archers, i have a volley of 30 archers a turn and never have i taken the king or aragorn down for that matter.. the only time i killed him was a very lucky 'normal' shot from a harad poisen arrow.. he only has 1 wound but he has defence 8 so you need a 6 and a 5. can be done but requires him to fale his fate and some Lucky dice roles.
Grimboldofeastfold, me and my friend tried this tactic on my mumak.. out of 10 volleys of 15 WOFM he wounded on average once a turn. and i succefully managed to pass the courage test each time.. it will eventually kill it but take lots of time.. there is nothing stopping you doing this while you set up the trap that i stated above, soften down the foe before the blow hits.. just i dont think most people want to have a controlled mumak against them for 10 turns.. anyone else have a good tactic for sdeeling with the mumak?

Author:  Maethor the ranger [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:32 pm ]
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couldnt you just kill the chieftain and then stampede it. and then shoot it to death

Author:  Grizmorg [ Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:46 pm ]
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ok put it this way... you could shoot the chieftan. you could shoot the mahud.. then you could shoot the beast it self with let say 12 Archers of minas tirith.. you would need 6's followed by 5's to wound it.. resulting in 1 or maybe 2 wounds if lucky (me and my friend have tried this many a time) and see if it stampeeds. if it does then that is good, but out of a ten turn test i did, the mumak only stampeded once passing every other time.. so you could do this.. risking the mumak running around for 9 turns and then dying or wound it once with the king of the dead and kill it in one.. but it's up to you how you kill the beast...

Author:  Lord Boromir [ Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:57 pm ]
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Easy ways to kill a Mumak - Swan Knights of Dol Amroth with lances and Imrahil.

Author:  Grizmorg [ Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:05 pm ]
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yeh.. thats also a good one.. a band of strong guys and a leading hero..

Author:  mordor_troll [ Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:39 pm ]
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Personally i doubt there is an EASY way to kill a mumak maybe a better way or EASIER but certainly not easy. IF you could take about 3 king of the deads this tactic would be sound otherwise the king is gonna be dead in 1 or 2 turns.

Author:  Faramir Captain of Gondor [ Sat Jan 29, 2005 3:09 am ]
Post subject: 

i've got an idea that i use at my local GW when I play there.


It will kill about anything with its d6 shots per turn

Author:  Pantera [ Sat Jan 29, 2005 9:55 am ]
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Yeah, my friend and I had a battle, he destroyed the Howdah, consequently kkilling crew, and stampeding Mumak using an Avenger Bolthrower!

Author:  liveonoevil [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:07 pm ]
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now say you are some poor dude (i.e. ME) and you can't afford a King of the dead how do you kill it now wise guy

Author:  king Elesar [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:46 pm ]
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I think the best way is The King of dead because he has the special rule BLADES OF THE DEAD

Author:  Faramir Captain of Gondor [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:49 am ]
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don't forget that the mumak comes with a comander, that has fate and might.

Author:  lyon [ Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  mumak

Dear LOTR members.
I am new to playing this game and i see you have great ways to defeat a mumak, but what can I do to protect the mumak from being killed before it gets into contact? and I how can I protect it flanks when all of my infantry are light infantry with eather spear or bow and not swordmen with shield to protect the front rank?

Author:  liveonoevil [ Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

You still haven't Answered my question about the king of the dead

Lyon the "Dear LOTR" stuff is sweet and all that but you should really cut it

Author:  lyon [ Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  how to kill a mumak

dear Liveonoevil,
I will but i am still looking for some ways to save my mumaks and protect there flanks to get them up into combat with out getting them stamped or killed before getting into combat.

Author:  liveonoevil [ Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:16 am ]
Post subject: 

hahaha funny joke lyon
lets say ( as i dont know)a mumaks movement is 6 and your fightin minas tirith lyon so
they have 15 archers and a avenger bolt thrower that is four turns before you get into combat the chances are heavily against you

Author:  lyon [ Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  how to kill a Mumak

Dear Liveonoevil,
thank you for your reply but for every defence there must be a weaknes.
The only way i know of is to swamp there archers with my own fire and use a seige heaycross bow to shoot at the gondorian counter part.

Author:  EllesarTheKingOfGondor [ Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

You have just answered your own question

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