LordElrond wrote:
But how do you out-manoeuvre cavalry?
You can't, but hopefully you're outnumbering them? I have a feeling your're overstating their advantage. First, RoR cost 50% more, and that's a pretty good advantage for you, almost goblin-level. Second, if they move they only hit on a 5+, if you move you hit on a 4+. Third, you wound on the same chances (S2 vs D3, and S3 vs D4/5), so you are not "relatively softer" in the shooting department, even with D3.
You may be outnumbered in actual bows in play, but you can even those odds with throwing daggers.
Tactically, it depends on the scenario, but if it's just a straight up battle I would create a net. Small squads of 4 WE spears and bows or TDs, separated by an inch or two will create a nice wide net to hem them in. RoR will be reluctant to come to grips, since you outclass them even if they charge, and if they do charge they are likely to be outnumbered. So hem them in to the point where your bows don't have to move anymore, then press with TD and spears.
If you're using Legolas, the first thing he should do is unhorse their heroes. It makes them far less dangerous, and he is likely to be able to do it with out using Might. After that he could just shoot one horse after another, just to be annoying

(@Galanur: you can't "aim" for the horses, unless it's a hero adjusting the ITW with Might, or Legolas who gets to pick. It's just likely that half the kills will actually be horses.)
Sentinels could be useful, at least for adding Terror to selected warriors. I'm not sure the enchanting song would work very well, as C3 has a better than 50% chance of succeeding.