The One Ring

Bardic knowledge
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Author:  jdizzy001 [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Bardic knowledge

I purchased a Bard Girion's Heir. I plan to modify him a bit by adding a bow and painting him in a brown color scheme, the idea being that I can use him as either of the Bard Profiles. My question is, has anyone used Bard? I have seen his profiles and they are both impressive (hence my desire to create a Bard which could conceivably be used as either profile), but how did they fair in game? Girion's Heir is the superior melee guy. He has higher D and the sweet 12" banner special rule, and Bard the Bowman is clearly the better archer with his amazing bow and modified triple/auto shots. Despite this his Fight value is low (for a hero), however, I think it reflects the character of Bard. He was a guardsman (in the book) not a front line, battle hardened trooper (at least not until after the BoFA). He is also squishy, even with armor I wouldn't want to pit him against a bunch of uruks without support.

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